chipster1059's scores - chipster1059 - 26-Feb-2019
CCLP4 MS 66: 264 (to please our benevolent dictator Sontag)
CCLP4 Lynx 121-149
[Click to Show Content]
121: 329
122: 661
123: 629
124: 87
125: 512
126: 130
127: 210
128: 472
129: 204
130: 510
131: 575
132: 469
133: 573
134: 380
135: 380 (yes, I have the same score for two levels in a row, it's not a typo)
136: 300
137: [830]
138: 396
139: [955]
140: 751
141: 656
142: 42
143: 518
144: 663
145: 502
146: [767]
147: 721
148: 409
149: 484
chipster1059's scores - chipster1059 - 28-Feb-2019
CC1 MS improvements.
[Click to Show Content]
22: 293 (+2)
23: 417 (+13)
24: 424 (+2)
30: 454 (+1)
35: 577 (+1)
37: 594 (+2)
48: 277 (+3)
64: 548 (+18)
68: 489 (+9)
71: 355 (+2)
78: 479 (+1)
81 473 (+[79])
83: 298 (+1)
91: 367 (+2)
93: 647 (+6)
94: [906] (+[2])
98: 338 (+2)
100: [911] (+[1])
108: 278 (+3)
119: 207 (+5)
125: [827] (+[2])
126: 431 (+6)
132: 662 (+35)
137: 392 (+3)
138: 231 (+5)
139 [920] (+[1])
140: 263 (+1)
141: [968] (+[2])
143: [856] (+[4])
145: [991] (+[1])
chipster1059's scores - chipster1059 - 26-Apr-2019
CCLP3 Lynx levels 1 to 30.
All my improvements over previous public routes have been added to the public TWS. As far as I know, however, I have no bolds.
[Click to Show Content]
1: 163
2: 298
3: 301
4: 231
5: 297
6: 84
7: 143
8: 97
9: 101
10: 68
11: 429
12: 105
13: 90
14: 331
15: 164
16: 239
17: 82
18: 293
19: 167
20: 210
21: 132
22: 106
23: 207
24: 210
25: 96
26: 336
27: 188
28: 377
29: 223
30: 217
chipster1059's scores - chipster1059 - 04-May-2019
CCLP3 Lynx 31-60
[Click to Show Content]
31: 199
32: 148
33: 28
34: 825
35: 58
36: 182
37: 128
38: 264
39: 13
40: 214
41: 125
42: 373
43: 269
44: 191
45: 386
46: 234
47: 337
48: 343
49: 279
50: 142
51: 251
52: 295
53: 267
54: 199
55: 194
56: 292
57: 172
58: 202
59: 282
60: 155
chipster1059's scores - chipster1059 - 10-May-2019
CCLP3 Lynx 61-90
[Click to Show Content]
61: 237
62: 453
63: 192
64: 241
65: 29
66: 254
67: 158
68: 262
69: 381
70: 344
71: 358
72: 101
73: 220
74: 257
75: 280
76: 433
77: 188
78: 354
79: 282
80: 141
81: 100
82: 449
83: 199
84: 331
85: 405
86: 360
87: 350
88: 648
89: 338
90: 167
chipster1059's scores - chipster1059 - 17-May-2019
CCLP3 Lynx 91-120
[Click to Show Content]
91: 188
92: 366
93: 22
94: 259
95: 364
96: 504
97: 452
98: 488
99: 233
100: 185
101: 544
102: 284
103: 200
104: 270
105: 136
106: 173
107: 459
108: 373
109: 351
110: 274
111: 275
112: 200
113: 359
114: 484
115: 564
116: 250
117: 522
118: 338
119: 446
120: 540
chipster1059's scores - chipster1059 - 23-May-2019
CCLP3 Lynx 121-149
Total: 6 014 130
[Click to Show Content]
121: 39
122: 396
123: 514
124: 481
125: 511
126: 128
127: 360
128: 382
129: 479
130: 271
131: 510
132: 331
133: 758
134: 159
135: 611
136: 468
137: 665
138: 132
139: 429
140: [259]
141: 278
142: 423
143: 725
144: [460]
145: 619
146: [498]
147: 366
148: 302
149: 679
chipster1059's scores - chipster1059 - 03-Jun-2019
More CC1 MS improvements
[Click to Show Content]
24: 430 (+6)
25: 435 (+1)
37: 596 (+2)
41: 172 (+1)
45: 218 (+36)
65: 394 (+1)
85: 233 (+7)
116: 675 (+31)
119: 208 (+1)
127: 449 (+1)
133: [939] (+[16])
138: 234 (+3)
chipster1059's scores - chipster1059 - 12-Jun-2019
CCLP2 MS levels 1-30.
[Click to Show Content]
1: 347
2: 243
3: 109
4: 237
5: 377
6: 163
7: 254
8: 302
9: 197
10: 368
11: 411
12: 354
13: 342
14: 258
15: 237
16: 313
17: 256
18: 237
19: 301
20: 293
21: 264
22: 27
23: 254
24: 305
25: 269
26: 128
27: 276
28: 266
29: 169
30: 246
chipster1059's scores - chipster1059 - 19-Jun-2019
CCLP2 MS 31-60.
[Click to Show Content]
31: 365
32: 377
33: 76
34: 404
35: 446
36: 447
37: 324
38: 11
39: 231
40: 249
41: 207
42: 246
43: 19
44: 205
45: 138
46: 40
47: 270
48: 125
49: 30
50: 428
51: 395
52: 313
53: 58
54: 300
55: 78
56: 236
57: 266
58: 301
59: 350
60: 566