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Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - Ihavenoname248 - 15-Oct-2019

Because the puzzle purse is always empty.

When will there be a new update to any CC game?

Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - Naemuti - 15-Oct-2019

Quote:5 hours ago, ncrecc said:

Why doesn't Chuck just take over development on Tile World 3?

uhhh cause i'm the lead tile world 3 dev thanks

When will CC3 come out

Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - Indyindeed - 15-Oct-2019

When you

Bottom text

Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - Gavin - 18-Oct-2019

CC1 release date: 1989, CC2 release date: 2015, Predicated CC3 release date: 2041

You know what new item CC3 needs- alcohol. Imagine Chip picks up a can of beer, (or Vladimir picks up a bottle of vodka) and for the rest of the level you can't move them in a straight line as they will randomly take steps to the side Then we could make levels where we have to move a drunk player across a narrow bridge without them stumbling-drunk into the water. Sound good?

Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - Hash1 - 20-Oct-2019

Sounds good, at first, but then I think people would get annoyed by it the same way they get annoyed by random force floors. Plus, Vladimir would need two bottles of Vodka, and Chip would get drunk enough just by drinking a non-alcoholic beer (with still a low percentage), a normal beer would be too much for him. 0% alcohol beer would also work if it gives him a placebo effect. Maybe collecting more than two bottles of Vodka or more than one beer would bring death to the corresponding character.

Why do monsters that float in the air (Glider, Fireball, as far as I know) also slide on Ice and are affected by force floors?

Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - random 8 - 22-Oct-2019

Because the clubhouse squishes everything to 2 dimensions.

Why doesn't the guy just eat the spinach? He has plenty of chips to help him out....

Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - Gavin - 26-Oct-2019

Spinach is Popeye's trademark, and Chuck was unable to get permission from Popeye to feature spinach in CC.

If Chip is such a nerd, he wouldn't need to collect all chips to open the end-of-level socket, wouldn't he just be able to hack it open?

Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - ncrecc - 27-Oct-2019

No, he wasn't allowed to bring a hacksaw.

Why doesn't Chip get an electric shock when he stands on an active wire?

Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - Gavin - 07-Nov-2019

Only explanation for that is witchcraft- Melinda is a witch and puts anti-shock spells on Chip before each level that has live wires.

Would you want to see a Witch's hat item in CC3, that when collected by Melinda lets her possess creatures and take control over how they move?

Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - ncrecc - 15-Nov-2019

I'm not good at yes-or-no questions, sorry.

Where does ice go when it melts? Does it go to heaven?