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RE: Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - ncrecc - 27-Aug-2020

No. The "embrace, extend, extingish" strategy in this case was accomplished by hugging Chuck, giving him a handshake, then hitting him over the head with a fire extinguisher until they were given free reign to do whatever they want to CC. This is why in MSCC monsters cannot enter random force floors.

Chip's full name is "Nerdy Chip McCallahan", right? Why would Wikipedia ever lie to me?

RE: Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - JDGP030302 - 28-Aug-2020

Isn't "nerdy" just an adjective? It is like saying "Chip McCallahan, who is nerdy".

 Is Woop aware that Ben 10 tried to copy his playstyle?

RE: Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - GavinD - 28-Aug-2020

Ben 10 is Woop. Woop just likes to dress-up as humans sometimes, just like how young humans like to dress up as aliens.

If Woop dressed as Ben 10 so he could get laid with a human woman, would that be an Earth-crime or a Space-crime?

RE: Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - JDGP030302 - 28-Aug-2020

Clever! No wonder why you can also rewind in Game Generator...and no, Woop is innocent until blah blah blah evidence and the rest of the blah blah blah. Furthermore, there are no other humans in Ben 10 GG, he is just here for the puzzles and the fact that it is a more recognized Intellectual Property (of course, i am assuming that Ben is just Woop in a weird suit).

 In relation to Vladimir, from where does the surname Gerajkee comes from? Every Item in a Google search about it is related to CC2. And then, you should consider thet the surname only appears in the intro...

RE: Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - ncrecc - 03-Sep-2020

Gerajkee is "Greenkey" fed through several different translators many times due to a communication error with the CC2 localization staff. (Who exist.)

If Repugnant Nonsense was so good, why didn't Tyler make a Pugnant Sense?

RE: Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - JDGP030302 - 07-Sep-2020

Some ideas:
 - He already created a level with that name, just changed its name before uploading it 
 - He is saving it for CCLP
 - He is saving it for TSDigamma
 - He searched in Wiktionary and found that pugnant was not exactly the opposite of repugnant. 
 - Someone stole the disk (hard or floppy) were he stored the level.
 - Did not go past the concept idea, or the result was not that good.
 - The name was already used (?).

 Simply never though of giving that name to a level.

 Does this picture depicts an high school student or a rather fat man in his fifties?

RE: Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - GavinD - 07-Sep-2020

It's a college pic of Kim-Jong Un.

Kim-Jong Un is so fat if he were to be the hero in Chips Challenge he could only run at the same speed as the teeth (half that of Chip) and would need to stop for a rest every 10 steps. If he became a DLC character for CC you had to pay for would he be popular?

RE: Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - JDGP030302 - 07-Sep-2020

Are the bowling balls filled with explosives? I mean, when they touch an obstacle they disappear without leaving a trace in what otherwise could only be pyrotechnics. Oh yes, they also damage most objects to the point of obliterating them.

RE: Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - Earthling - 12-Sep-2020

Of course! Who wouldn't fill a bowling ball with explosives?

Where did we come from? Why are we here?

RE: Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - JDGP030302 - 12-Sep-2020

You made two questions. Well, i will answer the one that i consider to be the dumbest one.
 Vladimir Gerajke, our favorite test administrator, is probably the one that had the idea of explosive bowling balls in the game but i personally would NOT do that.  Taking into account that Melinda's clubhouse wasn't exactly safe in first place, i shouldn't be surprised of the wacky tools that the sequel added (but i did), no matter how dangerous they would be in real life. It's a videogame!
 Should the community celebrate the fact that this thread will soon reach the post #500?