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RE: Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - GavinD - 05-Oct-2020

Yes, a colourful background with balloons and streamers should do nicely.

If you had 3 wishes from a genie would it be reasonable to use one of them to have the Chips Challenge community be massive like the size of the Minecraft community and have hundreds of new levels per day and people making daily CC Youtube videos?

RE: Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - JDGP030302 - 05-Oct-2020

Actually, the most "reasonable' wish would be infinite wishes. But yes, i understand you. With a very large amount of user created content more bad levels will appear but definitely poor Chip need more love (also Crystal Mines 2), specially since the sequel took so much time to see the light of the day. Chip's Challenge 3 Puzzle Studio have an even bigger potential since it allows for user to create new elments, theoretically allowing to mimic other games. 

Also, not that i have a picture with colorful backgrounds and streamers, but i have another idea: why not give Chip superhuman powers and make him the hero of Robotron 2084?

RE: Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - GavinD - 23-Oct-2020

If both Chip and Woop had super-powers, they could team-up and be a superhero team called Choop. Or something.

If Woop turned Chuck into a monkey (see link), should Chuck punish Woop by not making him any more puzzles for a whole month?

RE: Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - JDGP030302 - 27-Oct-2020

Choop...? I think that "the puzzling duo" would be better.

Seemingly, Chuck has not made a level for Woop for a while. Not only are most (all?) levels after the first 4 packs attributed to "Niffler2", the 2 last packs are entirely composed of user created levels. But i agree, that transformation is not very nice.

If someone wanted to dress as Chip they would need a red shirt, green pants, snickers, socks, glasses and (maybe) a black haired wig. Wich one of these would be the hardest to get or more expensive? Also tell why.

RE: Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - Hash1 - 05-Nov-2020

The green pants because, honestly, when's the last time you've seen vibrant colored green pants? I sure haven't in a long time.

Is Chip gonna be like the average fictional character, where time goes on but he never ages?
Does time go on and Chip ages?
Or is everything in the CC universe stuck in 1989?

RE: Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - GavinD - 06-Nov-2020

It seems Chip ages at the same rate as Bart Simpson.

Did Chip sell his soul to the devil for immortality so he can spend all of eternity solving clubhouse puzzles (because one mortal human lifespan isn't enough time to solve every level made by every creator)?

RE: Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - JDGP030302 - 06-Nov-2020

No, Chip don't have one "human" life. The help file for the Microsoft port of Chip's Challenge says that the only reason Chip continues after dying is because he is a very persistent fellow. It doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense, it is official, Chip's life is based on the videogame logics of his game, which don't need to be like the logics of the real world.

Chip's last name is Mccallahan, which, according to Wikipedia, is Scottish. Any chance that Chip's parents are from Scotland?

RE: Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - Tomsbananacakes - 07-Nov-2020

No, because Melinda's name, according to Wikipedia, is Greek. So if they both live in Chip Grove City, and Chip joined Melinda's bit buster club, then I guess we can assume Chip's parents are not from Scotland, but rather instead from Chip Grove City, if that makes sense.

Does Chip actually eat potato chips, not just because he collects them, but because they are also his favorite food?

RE: Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - Hash1 - 07-Nov-2020

Yes. He needs to incorporate as many things called chip in his life as possible in order to fuel his obsession. Just recently he replaced his lawn with woodchips. His diet consists of only chips. Either fries (because the British call them chips) or Ruffles, Pringles, Lays, etc. that's why he collects chips to put them in a chip socket in the first place. He also has a pet chipmunk (named Chippy) and uses the phrase ''chip on my shoulder'' whenever applicable.

Does Chip vape? What flavor?

RE: Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer - GavinD - 07-Nov-2020

Fish flavour vape for puzzle levels to help him think, and coffee flavour vape to keep him alert for monster-dodging levels.

Since Chip was "created" by Chuck (as opposed to having parents and being born), would that mean if he took his top off he wouldn't have a belly button? (kindof like Adam and Eve)