Indy's High Scores - Indyindeed - 19-Dec-2019
CC1 (Lynx)
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#23 - 429 (Blobnet)
#30 - 454 (Mishmesh)
#53 - 451 (Traffic Cop)
#58 - 546 (Loop Around)
#69 - 220 (Bounce City)
#74 - 355 (Playtime)
#111 - [961] (Time Lapse)
#129 - 287 (Lobster Trap)
#130 - [925] (Ice Cube)
#131 - 26 (Totally Unfair)
Bolds: 100 / 148
89 timed, 11 untimed
Indy's High Scores - Indyindeed - 22-Dec-2019
[Click to Show Content]
#138: 471 NEW RECORD +1 (Zipper)
Indy's High Scores - Indyindeed - 26-Dec-2019
CC1 (Lynx)
[Click to Show Content]
#32: 379 (Scavenger Hunt)
#56: 150 (Deepfreeze)
#72: [961] (Reverse Alley)
#83: 297 (Up the Block)
#91: 367 (Jumping Swarm)
#106: [903] (Kablam)
#108: 272 (Block Out)
#113: 463 (Open Question)
#120: [942] (Alphabet Soup)
#137: 381 (Goldkey)
Bolds: 110 / 149 (96+14)
Indy's High Scores - Indyindeed - 31-Dec-2019
[Click to Show Content]
#38: 436 (Heat Conductor)
#44: 323 (Frozen Labyrinth)
#49: 384 (49 Cell)
#51: 270 (H2O Below 273 K)
#58: 291 (Corral)
#65: 428 (Squared in a Circle)
#66: 269 (Klausswergner)
#67: 287 (Booster Shots)
#68: [883] (Flames and Ashes)
#71: 266 (Tree)
#73: 399 (Occupied)
#74: 343 (Traveler)
#76: 374 (Funfair)
#80: 390 (Flipside)
#81: [856] (Colors for Extreme)
#84: 414 (Mining for Gold Keys)
#88: [835] (Chip Block Galaxy)
#89: 315 (Chip Grove City)
#96: 339 (Going Underground)
#98: 313 (Rat Race)
#101: [813] (Time Suspension)
#107: 326 (Paramecium Palace)
#108: 279 (Exhibit Hall)
#109: 381 (Green Clear)
#110: [813] (Badlands)
#112: 431 (Carousel)
#115: 347 (California)
#117: 230 (Blobs on a Plane)
#118: 91 (Runaway Train)
#124: 486 (Utter Clutter)
#127: 320 (In the Pink)
#128: 551 (Elemental Park)
#129: 272 (Frogger)
#130: [827] (Dynamite)
#133: 404 (Steam Cleaner Simulator)
#135: 361 (Culprit)
#136: [660] (Whirlpool)
#138: 520 (Chip Alone)
#140: 775 (Automatic (Caution) Doors)
#141: 227 (Flush)
#143: [850] (Amphibia)
#144: 356 (The Ancient Temple)
#146: 288 (Cineworld)
#147: 695 (Thief, You've Taken All That Was Me)
#148: 373 (The Snipers)
#149: 429 (Clubhouse)
5,991,250 (96 b)
Indy's High Scores - Indyindeed - 15-Jan-2020
CCLP4 (Lynx)
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#38: 187 pc (Detonation Station)
reporting this now before eddy reports better
RE: Indy's High Scores - Indyindeed - 20-Jan-2020
CC1 (MS)
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126: 437 +2
134 b
CC1 (Lynx)
[Click to Show Content]
96: 318
116: 693
141: [969]
111 b
[Click to Show Content]
44: 365 +42
67: 297 +10
71: 293 +27
74: 353 +10
96: 376 +37
107: 332 +6
108: 296 +17
112: 459 +28
5,993,080 (100 b)
[Click to Show Content]
26: 250
32: 321 +1
41: 310 +1
43: 424 +3
56: 554
109: 22
110: [946]
118: 428 +2
131: 768
148: 431 +1
48 b
RE: Indy's High Scores - Indyindeed - 22-Jan-2020
[Click to Show Content]
5: 277 +1
22: 238
29: 310
69: 398 +2
87: 525
100: 920
51 b
RE: Indy's High Scores - Indyindeed - 01-Feb-2020
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92: 457 +1 (Abandoned Mines)
124 bolds
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61: 536 +7 (Blue Tooth)
62: 355 (Block Unpuzzle)
72: 363 (Sewerway)
80: 289 (Monster Swapper)
93: 384 (Bombs are a Beautiful Thing)
95: 514 (Ravaged)
115: [916] (Overlap)
56 bolds (53 timed, 3 untimed)
RE: Indy's High Scores - Indyindeed - 15-Feb-2020
24: 387 +1 (It's Easy Being Green)
28: 403 (Zephyr Heights)
48: 298 (Key Insight)
54: 210 +1 (Split Path)
59: 351 (Blockpick)
67: 317 (Nuclear Energy for Dummies)
75: 425 (Unmitigated Hint Factory Disaster)
86: 327 (Cyprus)
87: 526 +1 (And the Walls Kept Tumbling Down)
63 bolds (+7)
RE: Indy's High Scores - Indyindeed - 10-Apr-2020
#31: 143 (+6) (Quincunx)
#93: 328 (+3, b) (Flame War)
5,993,110 (101 b)
CCLP1 (Lynx)
#93: 326 (b) (Flame War)
1 b
#4: 227 (+1, b) (Oasis) ty james
#16: 284 (+1) (Reservoir Frogs)
#73: 266 (b) (Sealed Doors in the Spacecraft) ty chipster
#76: 397 (b) (Flow State) ty chipster
#84: 397 (b) (Forsythia)