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Previous versions of Level Sets - drn211 - 11-Jun-2013

I'm posting because I notice a glitch of sorts with level sets where more than one version has been uploaded. The level set I notice the problem on is Elementary Particles. I apologize for signaling this person/set out because there are 1 or 2 others by different people that have I noticed doing this and Steven's Elementary set is just the most recent. The problem is that with multiple version listed it is impossible to tell which is the most recent. I click on the level set and then click download and there are three different sets to download. After downloading all three and comparing the sets to what Steven lists is new for the current version I discovered that the 2nd of the 3 is the most recent. This is ridiculous either the newest version should always be the last or first listed or the person uploading the set should be forced to change the name to reflect the new version such as adding a number. This is just something that bothered me that I thought I would post about.


Previous versions of Level Sets - M11k4 - 12-Jun-2013

Yeah, the order they appear in isn't the most logical one. I don't know a way to distinguish the newest one with certainty, but a good guess is to take the largest one. (A similar thing happens with any thumbnails one uploads with a set; I have no clue how the one that appears as the main thumbnail is determined.) I've experimented with the system, and here's how to avoid this mess when you are uploading your own files.

Assume you have already uploaded a file and now want to post an update. So you go to the download page of your set and click on 'upload new version'. Then you click the button 'choose file' and search for the new file from your computer. It can be the same name as the older versions, but some choose to change the name to include the version number. It's clearer in a way, but also requires renaming by the downloader if they want their old dac and tws files to work on the new version. Then click 'attach file'. Now you will have at least two files listed above the 'choose file'-button. You can remove the older version by clicking 'delete' next to the file size. This does not delete the whole file, only removes it from the list that is causing the confusion. I think below in the third section, the fields named 'file name' and 'file version' don't actually have anything to do with the real file name, so you can write anything you want in here. That basically means you should take extra care not to write something confusing there, like the wrong file name (particularly if you include the version number in the name), and you should include a logical version number. Once you click 'update submission' you are done. Now when someone goes to download the latest version of your file, the download button on the set's page starts the download immediately, and they don't have to pick from the confusing list. If someone wants to download an earlier version, they are available on the sidebar. If you don't want earlier versions to appear on the sidebar, you have to delete it from there too by the buttons that appear when you hover over the date.

Hopefully that is useful to some, and not too confusing to others. Glider

Previous versions of Level Sets - pillowpc2001 - 12-Jun-2013

Also in some browsers, if you hover each link it shows the URL which includes an id number - the largest number would be the most recent version.

Previous versions of Level Sets - Syzygy - 24-Jun-2013

I noticed this too. I tried to delete the old versions and leave just the newest on the list, but found they still showed. I'll have another look and see if I can do anything.

I have deleted the file and uploaded a new version.