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Presentation - pillowpc2001 - 25-Mar-2012

Quote:Yes, I'm starting to think that I could probably find more productive things to do with my time than goof off on CC Zone. Schoolwork constantly calls.

Funny, those are the two options I'm faced with right now too... So far CC Zone is winning. Smiley

Quote:I'm one of the few people in the Western world who does not have Internet on his phone.

I have it, but don't use it too often - the screen's fairly small, so it's not really that convenient to use... On a family vacation last year with long days of driving, the only times I used the Internet on it were to occasionally check email and to look up things that we were wondering about on Wikipedia... Smiley

(And this is my 100th post. Chip Win That took way too long to get to...)

Presentation - AdrenalinDragon - 25-Mar-2012

Quote:Funny, those are the two options I'm faced with right now too... So far CC Zone is winning. Smiley

I really need to time manage myself so that more time is spent on my final Uni assignments than CC Zone. Tongue

Presentation - BitBuster - 25-Mar-2012

Quote:You play chess? Checkers is so much more fun. There's just too much logic in chess for me.

I study chess more than I actually play it. I lack the requisite long-term vision to be good at it. I'm fairly decent when it comes to spotting tactical combinations, but beyond that...nah. It entertains me, though. Playing through a great game by Tal or Spassky is one of those little things that makes life more or less worth living.

Anyway, all that said, I'm even worse at checkers.

Do you play it online?

Quote:Funny, those are the two options I'm faced with right now too... So far CC Zone is winning. Smiley

Oh, yeah. Schoolwork rarely puts up much of a fight. Wink

Presentation - geodave - 25-Mar-2012

Have fun stormin' the castle!

Presentation - jblewis - 26-Mar-2012

It'll take a miracle. Slight smile

Presentation - BitBuster - 26-Mar-2012

I shall come back either with my shield or upon it.

Presentation - Hash1 - 20-Aug-2013

Hi I'm Hash1, My nickname is changed back to the "original" one. I already introduced myself as "Endy" on here but I somehow "lost" that account. So now I'm Hash1 again.

Anyways, me beeing "Hash1" again is not bad at all... besides, my youtube has "hash" in it, my yahoo has "hash" in it, and a few other things as well... the 1 after Hash is because in the old CCZone, I wasn't familiar with the names (obviously) so just in case there were more hashes out there (although that is rare), I could be the Hash no.1, and not no.2 and so forth.

The name Hash1 comes from a black, green-eyed cat I used to have that's name was, if you haven't already guessed it, Hash. Years have passed since I had him, but that doesn't mean I don't have him in my memory.

Well, about the introduction read Endy's post on this thread.

Presentation - mobius - 21-Aug-2013

Hello, my name is Stan and I’m an alcoholic.

My favorite video games are Chips Challenge, Lemmings, Legend of Zelda and Mario

Some of my favorite artists are: Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, King Crimson, Salvador Dali, Jackson Pollock, David Lynch, Stanley Kubrick

I believe I am suffering from a slight addiction to forum activity. That is; doing internet community related things just for the purpose of doing internet community related things, instead of having a real passion for the topic at hand. But I do actually like chips challenge and hope to start making levels again soon.

I have weird patterns of going for a while being intensely interested in a topic then forgetting about it completely, then becoming interested again.

Weird things inspire level ideas for me; like taking a walk in park, instead of playing other levels.

I’ve recently been trying to make my own Zelda game but it’s not getting off to a real great start.

Wow, the number of openly Christian and Asperger's Syndrome people here is sort of surprising imo. I too, have (or had) Asperger's Syndrome!

My belief is that our entire universe is one of many that make up the atoms in another universe on a larger scale and this pattern repeats infinitely.

The Princess Bride reference was worth coming here.

Presentation - ruben - 18-Oct-2015

I'm Ruben, and I've been inactive most of the time since 2002 or so, but the release of CC2 made me come out of hiding. I only discovered this forum a few months ago.

Some ages ago I wrote programs like Mapmaker and T-chip. My Chip-related activities these days include trying to stay competitive in CC2 and sometimes play Lynx mode in the other official level sets.

Presentation - ChocophileBenj - 01-Feb-2016

Hi people.
I'm ChocophileBenj, from France. I'm 23.
I like videogames, programming, and anything that requires calculation. I like a few fantasy novels, too (The Age of Fire + Eragon + Chronicles of the Emerged World... I can talk of the latter a long time if you want).

Also, I used to play Hearthstone but I'm kinda terrible when comparing to my friends. I stopped at The Great Tournament.
I'm looking for a community and some friends ; not that I don't have friends IRL, but I don't see them as often as I wish... plus I'm a little bit wild, too, but being social is... well... necessary, sometimes.

I finished the 149 levels of the first CC set as I was 10 (and the level Pain was rightfully named Smiley ). I've always found this game very fun, and the possibilites of creating levels through some elements is something that I've liked in every video or board game I've met that allows such a thing.

Namely Dominion (board game) and Candy Crush (a somewhat-gamish video thing that has enjoyable levels).
I knew about an editor a few years ago (that's what I used to dream to as a child) but I played a bit, alone ... and now I'm kind of fed up being lonely and I want to share my levels with you.
That's why you'll see soon some of my level ideas.