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Places for CCLP-1, Thanks - Printable Version

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Places for CCLP-1, Thanks - thinker - 31-May-2013

File category: CC1 Levelsets

Places levelset with 25 levels for CCLP-1 consideration:

There are 14 levels in the "whitelist" = 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,13,17,20,21,22,23,24

I am hoping for level 25 to recieve second

Or, for staff to OK the level due to all the changes I've made to it - to simplify the level with MikeL's help.

Ian Wilson - thinker

What's New in Version MS/Lynx
  • Essentially, this is the same levelset with only changes made to level 25 to qualify the level There are no changes to the order of the levels from the previous version.
  • Don't know what happened with the last update...wrong file maybe (?)