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Who made the toughest levels in CCLP3 - Printable Version

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Who made the toughest levels in CCLP3 - M11k4 - 23-Mar-2012

I was interested in calculating the average of how far in CCLP3 a designer's levels are, giving a feel for how difficult thier levels were on average. The ranked the seven designers with the most levels in the set. Joshua Bone is not in the above questions, because his 15 levels were much easier, despite having a couple placed much later in the set than their actual difficulty would indicate, with an average of 63. I'll post the exact results, but thought it might be fun to first ask people how they feel it should go.

Who made the toughest levels in CCLP3 - BitBuster - 23-Mar-2012

Is there a list of who designed which level? I have to confess, I'm a bit ouf ot the loop on this one.

Who made the toughest levels in CCLP3 - AdrenalinDragon - 23-Mar-2012

I'd probably say Madhav overall. Pieguy had a few surprisingly easy/medium difficulty ones. Tyler's "Everybody Get Dangerous" was more of a pain in the arse than it actually looked.

Who made the toughest levels in CCLP3 - Ida - 23-Mar-2012

Quote:Is there a list of who designed which level?

Who made the toughest levels in CCLP3 - jblewis - 23-Mar-2012

I'd definitely have to go with Madhav here. Even if it appeared early in the set, Vague Dream is still quite a challenge to conquer. Lead Us Not into Temptation is probably the only other level that could be called somewhat "easy" compared to the others, which are clearly designed to be solved over a much, much longer period of time.

Who made the toughest levels in CCLP3 - BitBuster - 23-Mar-2012


Thanks. I'd say that as far as the raw numbers go, Madhav and John made approximately the same number of really hard levels. That said, on the average, Madhav's levels are significantly harder than John's.

I didn't have much of a problem with LUNIT either. I thought it was one of the easier levels in the 100's.

Who made the toughest levels in CCLP3 - jblewis - 23-Mar-2012

I think it's interesting that the difficulty portion of the voting was somewhat affected by the knowledge that some people had about certain levels by these designers. For instance, we had some people rate some of pieguy's and Madhav's easier levels - including many that didn't make CCLP3 - a full difficulty rating, even when it was clear those levels were not even close to ultra-difficult.

Who made the toughest levels in CCLP3 - BitBuster - 23-Mar-2012 Waterslide?

BTW, how were the CCLP3 levels arranged? I have to assume that including Diabolical and Marooned relatively late in the set was a conscious

Who made the toughest levels in CCLP3 - jblewis - 23-Mar-2012

We tried to respect the order when we could, but there were some levels that clearly didn't belong in the positions in which they were voted; for instance, Triple Maze and Vague Dream were among the most highly rated in difficulty. Waterslide was actually voted "lower" in difficulty than its position in the set, but we moved it there to break up the string of puzzles around it and because it does require quite a bit of playing skill depending on which solution is used. Marooned and Diabolical were positioned accordingly for the same reasons. The "Chip's travels" levels, however, were the most significantly concentrated examples of deviation from the difficulty order, as many of them would have been placed earlier in the set (Take the I Train, Fireball Tourism, The Haunted House, Niche, etc.).

Who made the toughest levels in CCLP3 - quiznos00 - 29-Mar-2012

I didn't even realize people found Everybody Get Dangerous to be difficult Thumbs up