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    Thread: CCLP5 Submissions Have Opened!
Post: RE: CCLP5 Submissions Have Opened!

Hi everyone! I would like to submit my set, ChipHomeLP1, for the possible inclusion into CCLP5: ( Unfortun...
ChipHome5 Announcements 40 35,954 07-Oct-2021, 12:09 PM
    Thread: ChipHomeLP1.dat - My submissions for CCLP1
Post: ChipHomeLP1.dat - My submissions for CCLP1

I think it's not a bad idea to publicize a bit my ChipHomeLP1.dat levelset, which includes my Lynx compatible levels I've submitted for CCLP1 voting, since it actually has a low number of donwloads (B...
ChipHome5 CCLP Discussions 0 1,431 13-Aug-2012, 6:00 AM
    Thread: Moments of Insanity
Post: Moments of Insanity

I'm back to CC after over a month in which school and family took all my free time... I want to propose a challenge, which may also help me to prove that the most insane level I've ever created can b...
ChipHome5 Level Discussion 3 3,558 19-May-2012, 11:21 AM
    Thread: Moments of Insanity
Post: Moments of Insanity

File category: CC1 Levelsets Here's the most insane level I've ever created. Since over a year has passed since I created it I've completely forgotten the solution (just like an idiot I somehow stopp...
ChipHome5 CC1 Level Packs 0 2,515 19-May-2012, 11:14 AM
    Thread: ChipHomeIS Level 14 - Chased By... The Exit?
Post: ChipHomeIS Level 14 - Chased By... The Exit?

Great time and fantastic timing ability! :smiley: The intended solution is not IceyLava108's one, since it requires you to be chased by the exit and walk into it after you get the ice skates. Howeve...
ChipHome5 High Scores 8 7,141 22-Apr-2012, 3:55 AM
    Thread: Windows 3.1 inside DOSBox with MSCC... bringing back old times!
Post: Windows 3.1 inside DOSBox with MSCC... bringing ba...

I just finished writing an easy to follow guide on how to setup up (wihtout installing any program on your PC) a full Windows 3.1 environment inside the portable version of the program DOSBox. This wi...
ChipHome5 General Discussion 4 4,680 22-Apr-2012, 3:47 AM
    Thread: CCLP Contributor award
Post: CCLP Contributor award

That level was quite fun to create, too! I'm glad you liked it! :smiley: @IceyLava108: Thanks for posting your time!
ChipHome5 Awards 52 40,421 15-Apr-2012, 8:47 AM
    Thread: Designing a really insane level
Post: Designing a really insane level

I found that level on my HD half an hour ago and I've been trying to find a solution again in the past 20 minutes... Unluckily it's passed so many time since I've created it that I completely lost the...
ChipHome5 Under Construction 10 8,762 15-Apr-2012, 8:40 AM
    Thread: Designing a really insane level
Post: Designing a really insane level

First of all you need to learn more about data resetting (and Chip's Wiki is the ideal place to do so... Hornblitz suggestions are perfect: you really should follow them!) and then you can start the c...
ChipHome5 Under Construction 10 8,762 15-Apr-2012, 7:50 AM
    Thread: New CC Zone award level for February
Post: New CC Zone award level for February

First of all thanks to TomP for creating this award and sorry for the very late reply (actually I'm being very busy with both personal work and school). Well... the name of this level was chosen only...
ChipHome5 Announcements 6 7,872 12-Apr-2012, 9:21 AM
    Thread: Bloblake
Post: Bloblake

Quote: -- Well, someday soon I may upload my Let's Fail: Delivery Ship. Maybe I will someday if I learn more about Data Resetting... Then I'd get 2 awards! If only... -- I've just seen it on ...
ChipHome5 Level Discussion 80 57,617 12-Apr-2012, 9:16 AM
    Thread: CCLP Contributor award
Post: CCLP Contributor award

Quote: -- Please tell me it has a Lynx compatible version of Delivery Ship! :smiley: -- Unluckily a Lynx version of Delivery Ship wouldn't be Delivery Ship anymore. :stuck_out_tongue: Delivery...
ChipHome5 Awards 52 40,421 12-Apr-2012, 8:56 AM
    Thread: What's the weather like where you are?
Post: What's the weather like where you are?

Where I live (in the north-west of Italy) the weather is now sunny and there are less than 15 degrees Celsius, but we had two very hot days during the last weekend of May (we reached 30 degress Celsiu...
ChipHome5 General 63 44,947 12-Apr-2012, 8:49 AM
    Thread: CCLP Contributor award
Post: CCLP Contributor award

Unluckily my levels were not considered for CCLP3 since it was the time I had created only a few - they were less than 10 - (and very boring) Lynx-compatible levels. Now that I have created a full Lyn...
ChipHome5 Awards 52 40,421 26-Mar-2012, 10:46 AM
    Thread: CCLP3
Post: CCLP3

CCLP3 is in my opinion much better than CCLP2 and it surely rapresents a wonderful collection of levels... there are also some levels which are so epic, like 'You Can't Teach an Old Frog New Tricks' (...
ChipHome5 CC1 Level Packs 3 6,740 26-Mar-2012, 10:41 AM
    Thread: Right handed or left handed?
Post: Right handed or left handed?

Although all my cousins (and also a few close relatives) are left handed I'm right handed and I experience difficulties on using my left hand to write...
ChipHome5 Poll Station 63 46,718 09-Mar-2012, 2:49 PM
    Thread: Tile World 2 64-bit patch
Post: Tile World 2 64-bit patch

Here's a more complete list of what I would like to see in the next version of TW: Important Features -Passwords (when you open the 'Go To...' dialog you are asked for a password which is not displa...
ChipHome5 Programs and Editors 22 19,429 14-Feb-2012, 12:05 PM
    Thread: Mac or PC?
Post: Mac or PC?

Since I passed to Windows 7 last year it's definitely PC! I know switching to Mac would mean passing to a faster environment but it would also mean having lots of compatibility problems: MSCC can be r...
ChipHome5 Poll Station 10 8,845 12-Feb-2012, 2:17 PM
    Thread: The person below me
Post: The person below me

False. I've just subscribed you on YouTube! The person below me managed to solve in less than 10 minutes the first time he/she played it.
ChipHome5 Games and Trivia 461 310,689 12-Feb-2012, 2:09 PM
    Thread: ajmiam's Debut Levelset--Pit of 100 Tiles
Post: ajmiam's Debut Levelset--Pit of 100 Tiles

It seems a very interesting level set, with some new ideas which are very good! I'll try it as soon as I can!
ChipHome5 Level Discussion 59 45,601 12-Feb-2012, 1:54 PM