Vauge Dream in Lynx
Is it just me, or is releasing the teeth an extreme case of lucky timing?
Quote:You tested your own land mine. It worked!
I agree with you. It you just keep trying with it, eventually you should get it.
<p>Proud owner of absolutely no untied bolds.
Well I got the other solution - the one using a bug to destroy the bomb instead - but I gave up on the teeth solution for now.
Quote:You tested your own land mine. It worked!
Quote:Well I got the other solution - the one using a bug to destroy the bomb instead - but I gave up on the teeth solution for now.
That was the intended solution; the teeth solution is the "other" solution. Slight smile

- Madhav.
I had assumed solving with the teeth was impossible in Lynx. I'd like to see a video of someone pulling it off.
Works for me in lynx mode, except the teeth are released so quickly I only get about one in 4 to work. I have an avi showing it to be possible if you really need it.

My TWS has that solution too. If you need to see it, I can upload it.
<p>Proud owner of absolutely no untied bolds.

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