March 2012 Treasure Hunter results
Ok guys, here are the results for the March 2012 Treasure Hunter.

1st: M11k4 (15 points)

126 + (66) = 192 points

(Time: 330 seconds remaining)

2nd: Markus (12 points)

126 + (65) = 191 points

(Time: 325 seconds remaining)

3rd: ajmiam (10 points)

126 + (58) = 184 points

(Time: 292 seconds remaining)

4th: paulgilb (8 points)

126 + (57) = 183 points

(Time: 285 seconds remaining)

5th: geodave (7 points)

121 + (52) = 163 points

(Time: 212 seconds remaining)

Congratulations M11k4, you are our March 2012 Treasure Hunter winner! Thumbs up

Winning TWS videos by M11k4 now up on CC Zone's channel!
[Image: tsjoJuC.png]

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March 2012 Treasure Hunter results - by AdrenalinDragon - 24-Apr-2012, 3:22 PM

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