Markus's levels for CCLP1
Wow, these levels are really good. There's so much clever use of space in "16", "25" and, as you said with "Trapped!", which are all really interesting levels. I really like the concept of "Construct-A- Sokoban", it's clear and obvious what you have to do but presents you with so many possibilities as to how to do it. The one thing I would say is that I think your idea of "easy" and mine differ somewhat, probably because I'm not very good (: Some levels; "Chip Controls" and "Where did I leave my keys?" spring to mind, I found really hard. That doesn't detract from their quality as great levels, but I think they'd be too hard for CCLP1.

Will review some of the levels I found interesting or noteworthy below:

#5 - "A-Maze-ing Properties" - This level was ok, I liked it a lot to begin with but it dragged on a little too much for me.

#7 - "Infiltration" - This was a great level, small but a lot to do in choosing where to put your blocks. I know my route wasn't optimal, but I managed to sneak through to the exit eventually, with perhaps a little luck with the fireballs.

#13 - "Chip Prison" - Once I worked out how to get rid of the fireballs and bridge to the northern section I realised I liked this level a lot. I trashed my last block twice in a row, both times in the exact same way! The teeth in the middle will be an added challenge for bold seekers.

#14 - "Death Box" - Yes. Just yes. This level rules. Working out that the teeth that I spent ages dodging could help me twice in solving the level sold it, perfect for teaching new players how to use the teeth to their advantage.

#17 - "Alternate Universe" - All I have to say about this level is that invisible wall maze + sokoban puzzle + hot blocks (including a one in six shot at a yellow key in the penultimate room) = seriously uncool. After your comments about hot blocks being "cheap" in IceyLava's CCLP1 set, I really wasn't expecting this.

#18 - "Cat and Mouse" - Also, this level is just horridly annoying, I gave up trying after a few attempts. This is definitely possible, but I'm not going to sit around for hours waiting on the blob to give me a perfect run through.

#21 - "Sunken Treasure" - The fact that only five of the thirty two columns are impossible to obtain chips from redeemed this level slightly, but I still found it to be too long with too little happening. Anyone can arbitrarily push columns of blocks into the ocean, but few people I would imagine, enjoy it.

#33-35 - "Stuck in the Sandpit", "Better safe than...", "Dual" - All great examples of small levels with a lot going on. Lots to do and explore, and some great concepts. I especially liked the monster partial posting in "Better safe than...". Definitely worth playing.

#36 - "Wrong exit" - Of course, like an idiot, I took the wrong exit on many occasions, most notably at the very end, whereupon I got trampled by a fireball after taking the wrong set of fire boots. Plenty of traps and tricks, but none of them feel cheap. Another good level.

#42 - "Extraction" - I'm stuck on this level. I learnt very early on in this set never to say something is impossible, but I'm just not very good at visualising "Warehouse" style puzzles. I like the theme of "use blocks to get more blocks", especially the fact that you can't simply put a block one one trap button and keep it there, but I just can't get the last block out from row 9. Still working on it (:

All in all, the set is really good and well thought-out, if a little difficult in places. A few levels, such as "Enough Lessons", "Infiltration", "Claustrophobic", "Navigation", "Trapped!" and "Wrong exit" would make great CCLP1 candidates, and some harder levels, such as "Chip Prison", "Death Box", "Construct-A-Sokoban", "Better safe than..." and "Where did I leave my keys?" would be great for a future CCLP4 if one is made. Only a couple of one-star levels, namely "Alternate Universe" and "Cat and Mouse" (which ironically occupy adjacent slots in the set) detract from this set in my opinion.

CC1: 5,954,550 (completed)
--- CCLP1: 5,989,110 (completed)
--- CCLP2: 5,936,410 (148 levels completed)
--- CCLP3: 1,223,887 (a few levels completed)

My levelset JRB_CCLP1.ccl

Messages In This Thread
Markus's levels for CCLP1 - by Markus - 30-Jun-2012, 4:25 PM
Markus's levels for CCLP1 - by jbdude55 - 04-Jul-2012, 5:06 AM
Markus's levels for CCLP1 - by Markus - 04-Jul-2012, 2:42 PM
Markus's levels for CCLP1 - by jbdude55 - 05-Jul-2012, 4:11 AM
Markus's levels for CCLP1 - by M11k4 - 30-Aug-2012, 4:19 AM

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