Markus's levels for CCLP1
Thanks for all the feedback, jbdude! I'll make changes and fix things for the next update.

Quote:#17 - "Alternate Universe" - All I have to say about this level is that invisible wall maze + sokoban puzzle + hot blocks (including a one in six shot at a yellow key in the penultimate room) = seriously uncool. After your comments about hot blocks being "cheap" in IceyLava's CCLP1 set, I really wasn't expecting this.

I guess you didn't see the gimmick in this level. Look at it in an editor and you might see it. I'll remove it if more people complain.

Quote:#18 - "Cat and Mouse" - Also, this level is just horridly annoying, I gave up trying after a few attempts. This is definitely possible, but I'm not going to sit around for hours waiting on the blob to give me a perfect run through.

I thought I'd keep this level in to make the set feel less like CCLP3... Perhaps it should be later in the set, or I might just remove it.

Quote:#33-35 - "Stuck in the Sandpit", "Better safe than...", "Dual" - All great examples of small levels with a lot going on. Lots to do and explore, and some great concepts. I especially liked the monster partial posting in "Better safe than...". Definitely worth playing.
I'm glad you liked these levels. Unsurprisingly, they're all from MO2 Tongue. Btw, did you play this set in lynx or MS?

Messages In This Thread
Markus's levels for CCLP1 - by Markus - 30-Jun-2012, 4:25 PM
Markus's levels for CCLP1 - by jbdude55 - 04-Jul-2012, 5:06 AM
Markus's levels for CCLP1 - by Markus - 04-Jul-2012, 2:42 PM
Markus's levels for CCLP1 - by jbdude55 - 05-Jul-2012, 4:11 AM
Markus's levels for CCLP1 - by M11k4 - 30-Aug-2012, 4:19 AM

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