So, at the start of the year I wrote I few entries in a blog here just to test out the system (click on Blogs up top). I plan on writing more entries as the year progresses, but would be interested in knowing what you guys would want to read. You can pitch your ideas here, and I will post below for some of the ideas I already have, two or three at a time. Then, when I get around to writing about them, I'll see which of the topics has had the most "vote up"s and write about that.
While waiting for the first votes to come in, go and read what I wrote last time :-)
List of topic suggestions:
A: How I got into CC
- posted
B: Some CCLP4 thoughts
C: Comments on CCLP3 levels (part I)
D: Common Design Mistakes
E: Thoughts on level optimization
F: Short review of CCLP2
While waiting for the first votes to come in, go and read what I wrote last time :-)
List of topic suggestions:
A: How I got into CC
- posted
B: Some CCLP4 thoughts
C: Comments on CCLP3 levels (part I)
D: Common Design Mistakes
E: Thoughts on level optimization
F: Short review of CCLP2