January 2013 Time Trial - the Case Files
Submissions time is now closed.

The entries are in, and I will compile and publish the final results quite soon. We had seven members send in solutions, and nobody sent in optimal solutions on every level. On the other hand, every level had suboptimal submissions. There are no ties in the overall scores. One of the levels had a lynx solution that was quicker than the best possible time in MS, but nobody submitted it. Including my own scores from before releasing the levels, three other submission totals were within ten seconds of each other. There was more than one level where only one person found the best solution. I was hoping for more casual entries, but one can't complain about having several submissions be of so good quality.

I received some positive feedback on the levels, so thank you very much for that. I will strive to make more good TT levels! Thanks to all participants! Now go try the new TT levels and the new Create comp too!


Edit: Oops. None of the levels are quicker in lynx; I was comparing the wrong scores in a hurry. I also thought this when I first released the levels, but it turned out that my initial ms solution wasn't perfect.

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January 2013 Time Trial - the Case Files - by M11k4 - 06-Feb-2013, 10:55 AM

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