Valentine's Day 2013 Treasure Hunter competition
Treasure Hunter

Valentine's Day 2013

Name of level: First Date

To be played in MS

Time Limit: 400

Created by Tom Patten

Deadline: 18th February 2013 12am GMT



Rules of the competition:

- Your TWS recording should be sent to:

- This focuses on item collecting.

- Using keys on doors deducts points.

- It's not necessarily the fastest time that wins.

- Collecting specific items give your points.

- A global leaderboard will be used to judge the final winner.

- Chips are not required to finish the level.

- You MUST finish the level.

- The points are:

Chips - 0 points

Red Key - 1 point

Green Key - 2 points

Blue Key - 3 points

Yellow Key - 5 points

Time bonus - 1 point for every 5 seconds left on the clock.
[Image: tsjoJuC.png]

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Valentine's Day 2013 Treasure Hunter competition - by AdrenalinDragon - 10-Feb-2013, 6:06 PM

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