Quote:The question of "does (a) God exist?" is entirely separate from "do I want (a) God to exist?". Just because you don't want there to be an "eye in the sky" doesn't mean that one does not exist.
[this is not a religious apologetic argument; I'm an atheist, as should be obvious from the previous pages, and often an anti-theist]
Well my reasoning here is that if I acknowledge even the possibility of such an eye in the sky, it would make life much harder for me, so I like to believe that there isn't one and it is a risk I am willing to accept. If there is one, I assume that it would be supportive of my decisions as long as I don't go killing or hurting anyone, but I'm not exactly interested in adhering to "what you can and can't do while alone in a room with a closed door with no Internet access or surveillance cameras" when it has no influence on the outside world. I have nothing against people who choose to control their actions even when in a room with a closed door, but if (hypothetically) I were to wake up one morning and pursue monotheism, I would certainly try to believe that I would be supported and loved either way.