22-Aug-2013, 11:34 AM
Quote:I is for I don't understand the above post.I meant that this was for CC levelsets, like CC1 or CCLP3, but the whole name being "CCZone's Legit ABCs" makes it understandable.
Now, onto more letters!
M is for Moat, part of the name in an easy level I got an admittedly good-to-me time record in that's full name is "Castle Moat"
N is for "NOOOO!", the sound every chipster made when they got so close to beating BLOBDANCE in CC1, but lost.
O is for ON THE ROCKS, a CC1 level on block pushing that is currently my occupation at my school's break times when I choose to play CC.
Sewiouswy, Pom-Pom, whewe is that CCLP4 I so want?