CC Zone Competition Goodie Bag
Did you ever wish to take a look at some of the old entries to the Create Competitions, or experiment for yourself how you might have fared in an old Time Trial?

Well, now you can:

This zip-file contains three sets, totaling over 120 competition levels by 28 different creators over 48 different competitions
. How can you call yourself a Chipster and not get a copy?

When you need a break from CCLP1 voting, look no further than this Slight smile

The first set collects the create levels from 2008 to 2011. These are kept as close to the original submissions as possible (with one exception). The second file contains all the create levels from 2012. Some of these have been updated, since the original submissions are mostly still available elsewhere. The third set is an updated CCZoneTT.dat which was originally compiled by Tom P but now with his permission I'm keeping it up to date with all the latest Time Trial levels.

Each set comes with a ccx file that has information on the competitions themselves. Hopefully these will be informative and fun. The one for the Time Trials is not yet quite as extensive as the ones for the create sets, but I didn't want that to slow the release and will get back to updating that later. I hope to correct any mistakes in the other files as well, so do tell me if you spot anything amiss. If you are a designer of one of the levels, you can also send in comments that might be added to the ccx-file, or ask for changes, such as being referenced by a different name or your full name.

The idea for this "Goodie Bag" is not to just be a one time release, but something that grows and improves with time. The files could be (and probably will be) available individually as well, but together they make form a whole that clings together thematically and conveniently.

Hope you enjoy! Feel free to share your reactions and suggestions here! Glider


Messages In This Thread
CC Zone Competition Goodie Bag - by M11k4 - 18-Sep-2013, 7:41 PM
CC Zone Competition Goodie Bag - by pillowpc2001 - 19-Sep-2013, 11:16 PM
CC Zone Competition Goodie Bag - by M11k4 - 07-Oct-2013, 8:48 AM
CC Zone Competition Goodie Bag - by Hash1 - 16-Oct-2013, 2:16 PM
CC Zone Competition Goodie Bag - by pillowpc2001 - 16-Oct-2013, 4:53 PM
CC Zone Competition Goodie Bag - by jblewis - 02-Nov-2013, 8:51 AM

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