Hey people! Guess what time it is?
In MS, pretend a blob has access only to a grid 5 by 3 and starts on the coordinate (2,1). Compute the probability that the blob would land on (1,1) after 28 fps and describe all extraneous solutions. (10 points)

Messages In This Thread
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by random 8 - 07-Oct-2013, 3:51 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by jblewis - 07-Oct-2013, 3:55 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by quiznos00 - 07-Oct-2013, 10:14 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by IceyLava108 - 08-Oct-2013, 12:31 AM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by jbdude55 - 08-Oct-2013, 11:17 AM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by mobius - 09-Oct-2013, 4:23 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by Hash1 - 11-Oct-2013, 4:53 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by mobius - 11-Oct-2013, 8:23 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by Hash1 - 12-Oct-2013, 3:51 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by quiznos00 - 12-Oct-2013, 5:28 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by jbdude55 - 14-Oct-2013, 1:23 AM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by lookatthis - 14-Oct-2013, 11:45 AM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by Hash1 - 14-Oct-2013, 2:19 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by Flareon350 - 15-Oct-2013, 10:48 AM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by mobius - 15-Oct-2013, 1:31 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by Hash1 - 16-Oct-2013, 10:50 AM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by quiznos00 - 16-Oct-2013, 3:25 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by Flareon350 - 17-Oct-2013, 11:02 AM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by quiznos00 - 17-Oct-2013, 12:04 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by Hash1 - 17-Oct-2013, 1:56 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by Eric119 - 17-Oct-2013, 3:36 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by mobius - 17-Oct-2013, 9:25 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by quiznos00 - 18-Oct-2013, 3:16 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by Hash1 - 25-Oct-2013, 11:02 AM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by quiznos00 - 25-Oct-2013, 11:06 AM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by Hash1 - 25-Oct-2013, 2:28 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by Hash1 - 26-Oct-2013, 8:24 AM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by mobius - 26-Oct-2013, 11:29 AM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by lookatthis - 26-Oct-2013, 6:22 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by daud - 26-Oct-2013, 8:26 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by Eric119 - 27-Oct-2013, 2:46 AM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by Eric119 - 27-Oct-2013, 2:34 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by Hash1 - 27-Oct-2013, 3:07 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by random 8 - 27-Oct-2013, 7:12 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by IceyLava108 - 30-Oct-2013, 12:16 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by mobius - 05-Nov-2013, 10:51 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by M11k4 - 06-Nov-2013, 3:27 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by daud - 11-Nov-2013, 3:58 AM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by random 8 - 11-Nov-2013, 1:19 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by Hash1 - 16-Nov-2013, 4:11 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by quiznos00 - 19-Nov-2013, 4:40 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by mobius - 19-Nov-2013, 6:11 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by IceyLava108 - 20-Nov-2013, 12:13 AM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by jbdude55 - 20-Nov-2013, 5:18 AM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by IceyLava108 - 21-Nov-2013, 12:45 AM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by Flareon350 - 21-Nov-2013, 12:57 AM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by quiznos00 - 21-Nov-2013, 4:42 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by quiznos00 - 21-Nov-2013, 8:24 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by Hash1 - 22-Nov-2013, 11:13 AM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by quiznos00 - 22-Nov-2013, 3:38 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by jbdude55 - 23-Nov-2013, 2:25 AM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by mobius - 23-Nov-2013, 11:33 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by IceyLava108 - 25-Nov-2013, 11:31 AM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by mobius - 25-Nov-2013, 4:36 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by random 8 - 26-Nov-2013, 1:14 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by jblewis - 30-Nov-2013, 5:09 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by Flareon350 - 18-Dec-2013, 10:31 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by quiznos00 - 19-Dec-2013, 2:00 AM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by mobius - 19-Dec-2013, 10:33 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by mobius - 03-Jan-2014, 10:56 PM
Hey people! Guess what time it is? - by Hash1 - 10-Jan-2014, 12:45 PM

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