What is your current avatar on CC Zone?
My avatar is from xkcd's 1190th comic Time, a.k.a. the most awesomeful (that means awesome) webcomic on the internet.
They call me Earthling, for I come from Earth.

Earthling1.dat, my levelset.

Messages In This Thread
What is your current avatar on CC Zone? - by PB_guy - 02-Apr-2012, 11:15 AM
What is your current avatar on CC Zone? - by Ida - 05-Apr-2012, 6:53 AM
What is your current avatar on CC Zone? - by Markus - 08-Apr-2012, 10:17 AM
What is your current avatar on CC Zone? - by Hash1 - 07-Nov-2013, 12:32 PM
What is your current avatar on CC Zone? - by Earthling - 07-Nov-2013, 7:01 PM
What is your current avatar on CC Zone? - by daud - 11-Nov-2013, 3:58 AM
What is your current avatar on CC Zone? - by mobius - 07-Jan-2014, 11:12 PM
What is your current avatar on CC Zone? - by PB_guy - 12-Mar-2014, 11:51 AM

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