12-Dec-2013, 3:44 AM
[mod] Please still keep the conversation friendly and refrain from being judgmental. It is not a good precedent for future conversations. [/mod]
As for the level, I can't decide what I think of it. My main concern is for lynx play, where the balls don't always stay in synch and thus you can get them into states that are not possible in MS. This has large consequences if someone tries to optimize the level. It does feel like a fun level and puzzle, though I might question if expanding it to fill the whole level makes it less so.
As for the level, I can't decide what I think of it. My main concern is for lynx play, where the balls don't always stay in synch and thus you can get them into states that are not possible in MS. This has large consequences if someone tries to optimize the level. It does feel like a fun level and puzzle, though I might question if expanding it to fill the whole level makes it less so.