CCLP1 Speculation
Quote:OK, time to get serious with a REAL speculation.

In this video, (at 21:38) Tyler says that the 18th-best-voted level (which will be in the set) was not an initial CCLP1 candidate, but was nominated.

My speculation: This level is "Duplex" by Josh.

Since the level in question was part of the CCLP1 release date poster, I'll reveal that the 18th highest ranked level was Metal Harbor.
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.

Messages In This Thread
CCLP1 Speculation - by jblewis - 16-Jan-2014, 12:57 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by IceyLava108 - 16-Jan-2014, 12:58 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by Flareon350 - 16-Jan-2014, 1:00 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by Eric119 - 16-Jan-2014, 1:09 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by BigOto2 - 16-Jan-2014, 8:28 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by mobius - 16-Jan-2014, 11:30 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by random 8 - 16-Jan-2014, 11:35 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by IceyLava108 - 17-Jan-2014, 5:42 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by chipster1059 - 17-Jan-2014, 5:50 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by random 8 - 17-Jan-2014, 6:09 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by jblewis - 18-Jan-2014, 11:45 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by M11k4 - 19-Jan-2014, 10:13 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by KeyboardWielder - 19-Jan-2014, 1:46 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by jbdude55 - 20-Jan-2014, 8:20 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by BigOto2 - 20-Jan-2014, 4:34 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by lookatthis - 20-Jan-2014, 5:53 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by mobius - 20-Jan-2014, 6:38 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by M11k4 - 20-Jan-2014, 8:31 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by KeyboardWielder - 22-Jan-2014, 2:52 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by jblewis - 22-Jan-2014, 3:41 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by ajmiam - 23-Jan-2014, 2:39 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by IceyLava108 - 23-Jan-2014, 11:33 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by Flareon350 - 24-Jan-2014, 12:09 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by random 8 - 24-Jan-2014, 12:10 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by chipster1059 - 24-Jan-2014, 1:12 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by jbdude55 - 24-Jan-2014, 6:27 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by chipster1059 - 25-Jan-2014, 4:30 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by IceyLava108 - 25-Jan-2014, 8:23 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by mobius - 25-Jan-2014, 11:41 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by chipster1059 - 26-Jan-2014, 12:48 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by quiznos00 - 26-Jan-2014, 3:23 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by IceyLava108 - 26-Jan-2014, 3:34 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by random 8 - 26-Jan-2014, 4:12 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by chipster1059 - 26-Jan-2014, 1:52 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by Green Kitten - 26-Jan-2014, 4:19 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by random 8 - 26-Jan-2014, 4:24 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by chipster1059 - 26-Jan-2014, 4:35 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by random 8 - 26-Jan-2014, 4:45 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by lookatthis - 26-Jan-2014, 5:44 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by chipster1059 - 26-Jan-2014, 5:47 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by IceyLava108 - 26-Jan-2014, 10:12 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by Hash1 - 27-Jan-2014, 6:10 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by ajmiam - 28-Jan-2014, 12:32 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by M11k4 - 29-Jan-2014, 11:12 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by Green Kitten - 30-Jan-2014, 3:58 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by random 8 - 30-Jan-2014, 4:19 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by AdrenalinDragon - 31-Jan-2014, 5:35 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by BigOto2 - 31-Jan-2014, 6:48 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by IceyLava108 - 31-Jan-2014, 7:04 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by chipster1059 - 31-Jan-2014, 8:17 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by mobius - 31-Jan-2014, 8:18 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by Flareon350 - 01-Feb-2014, 2:41 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by BigOto2 - 01-Feb-2014, 6:51 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by quiznos00 - 01-Feb-2014, 9:13 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by lookatthis - 01-Feb-2014, 9:20 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by jbdude55 - 01-Feb-2014, 9:57 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by IceyLava108 - 02-Feb-2014, 4:39 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by Ida - 02-Feb-2014, 4:08 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by The Architect - 03-Feb-2014, 3:29 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by chipster1059 - 03-Feb-2014, 3:41 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by BigOto2 - 03-Feb-2014, 8:02 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by chipster1059 - 03-Feb-2014, 8:04 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by jblewis - 03-Feb-2014, 9:44 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by AdrenalinDragon - 03-Feb-2014, 9:52 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by BigOto2 - 03-Feb-2014, 9:54 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by IceyLava108 - 03-Feb-2014, 10:47 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by BigOto2 - 03-Feb-2014, 10:53 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by chipster1059 - 03-Feb-2014, 11:04 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by BigOto2 - 03-Feb-2014, 11:05 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by chipster1059 - 03-Feb-2014, 11:07 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by BigOto2 - 03-Feb-2014, 11:12 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by M11k4 - 04-Feb-2014, 1:44 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by chipster1059 - 04-Feb-2014, 12:38 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by quiznos00 - 04-Feb-2014, 2:38 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by BigOto2 - 04-Feb-2014, 3:29 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by IceyLava108 - 04-Feb-2014, 11:40 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by random 8 - 05-Feb-2014, 3:53 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by BigOto2 - 05-Feb-2014, 2:41 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by Flareon350 - 05-Feb-2014, 2:57 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by IceyLava108 - 05-Feb-2014, 3:36 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by random 8 - 05-Feb-2014, 5:25 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by IceyLava108 - 05-Feb-2014, 5:41 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by KeyboardWielder - 08-Feb-2014, 3:10 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by random 8 - 09-Feb-2014, 12:38 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by mobius - 09-Feb-2014, 3:51 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by lookatthis - 09-Feb-2014, 4:56 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by mobius - 09-Feb-2014, 6:39 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by BigOto2 - 09-Feb-2014, 10:31 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by AdrenalinDragon - 09-Feb-2014, 10:47 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by chipster1059 - 10-Feb-2014, 1:10 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by random 8 - 10-Feb-2014, 1:55 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by jbdude55 - 10-Feb-2014, 11:08 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by jblewis - 10-Feb-2014, 11:18 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by lookatthis - 10-Feb-2014, 3:42 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by quiznos00 - 10-Feb-2014, 3:56 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by IceyLava108 - 10-Feb-2014, 4:11 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by random 8 - 10-Feb-2014, 4:46 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by jblewis - 10-Feb-2014, 4:53 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by lookatthis - 10-Feb-2014, 5:06 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by IceyLava108 - 10-Feb-2014, 5:29 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by AdrenalinDragon - 10-Feb-2014, 5:31 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by random 8 - 10-Feb-2014, 6:17 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by lookatthis - 10-Feb-2014, 6:19 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by jblewis - 10-Feb-2014, 6:55 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by mobius - 10-Feb-2014, 7:13 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by jblewis - 10-Feb-2014, 7:50 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by lookatthis - 10-Feb-2014, 7:55 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by random 8 - 10-Feb-2014, 8:04 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by quiznos00 - 10-Feb-2014, 8:13 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by IceyLava108 - 10-Feb-2014, 8:15 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by Flareon350 - 10-Feb-2014, 8:32 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by IceyLava108 - 10-Feb-2014, 8:42 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by random 8 - 10-Feb-2014, 11:59 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by Flareon350 - 11-Feb-2014, 12:08 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by BigOto2 - 11-Feb-2014, 12:22 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by Flareon350 - 11-Feb-2014, 12:28 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by chipster1059 - 11-Feb-2014, 1:37 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by IceyLava108 - 11-Feb-2014, 11:58 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by chipster1059 - 11-Feb-2014, 12:38 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by random 8 - 11-Feb-2014, 11:42 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by chipster1059 - 12-Feb-2014, 12:46 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by M11k4 - 12-Feb-2014, 3:31 AM
CCLP1 Speculation - by quiznos00 - 12-Feb-2014, 3:38 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by IceyLava108 - 12-Feb-2014, 4:14 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by jbdude55 - 12-Feb-2014, 4:46 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by chipster1059 - 10-Apr-2014, 2:37 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by IceyLava108 - 10-Apr-2014, 3:16 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by jbdude55 - 10-Apr-2014, 5:45 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by IceyLava108 - 10-Apr-2014, 6:53 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by quiznos00 - 10-Apr-2014, 6:57 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by IceyLava108 - 10-Apr-2014, 8:16 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by PB_guy - 11-Apr-2014, 8:45 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by BigOto2 - 11-Apr-2014, 11:50 PM
CCLP1 Speculation - by Flareon350 - 12-Apr-2014, 1:00 AM

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