Personal Level Design Question
Quote:Hello Cam,

I have played the demo you have uploaded here on CCZone and here is my opinion:

1: The first way is to pick up the chips under the blocks. The second way is to push the blocks into the water, pack the dirt, then boost past the force floors to get another block. This second way works only in MS. Overall, a simple level, nothing extraordinary, but beginners may really enjoy it.

2: A nice level, a lot better than the first one. The idea of the force floors pointing downward with a few in other directions is creative. However, the map is small. I guess the level would need to be bigger to be better.

3: This level is, in my opinion, not very good. It is possible to pick up all the chips without disturbing the teeth. It is way too easy.

4: This level is a lot better than the previous one. It is fun, somewhat hard, but I have always struggled with teleport levels.

5: This feels like a "nuts and bolts" level. It may be fun to play, but I see three problems. First of all, the paramecia will drown before Chip gets to that room. Next, there is nothing on the clone machine. Finally, the clone button links to nothing.

6: This levels is not solvable in Lynx, which may turn away some players. In MS, it is an ordinary level, nothing special.

7: This level would be great as the end of a level, but I think it is too short for a standalone level.

8: I am sorry, but this is the worst level in the set. It is impossible in Lynx and extremely easy in MS.

9: This level feels complete. It is fun to play and the bug room may be challenging. But what is the point of the upper ball? It may stay trapped for the entire level.

10: This level has some potential, but I beat it on my first try. There are not enough walkers.

11: This level is the best in the set, but it could be improved. I suggest adding some items behind the green locks to force Chip to open them. I also suggest adding a few more simple rooms.

12: This level feels like a joke. And with such a title, I think it is. I recommend placing it in a set called "Cam's Rejects" or something like that.

13: This level is unsolvable in Lynx, but that is not the main problem. The main problem is that Chip simply has to go next to the bomb near the exit and wait. The bomb will explode and the level is over. The other balls will not have the time to kill the other Chip. The teeth is useless and so are the blocks.

14: This level may seem hard, but it is somewhat easy. Once the balls are dodged, Chip only has to go to the exit. Still a nice level however.

15: Who is Bozdo? Also, I know about the Easter Egg. There are a few of those in pi.dat.

16: You should put more Chip Win so Chip can't see a single floor tile.

Overall, the main thing you should improve in your future levels would be to make them harder.

By the way, you say in the description of your insane level to "play it in Tile World". Insane levels work only in CHIPS.EXE

I hope this will help you,

I decided to go back and fix levels 1-15 (16 was just an end-of-demo level). For the record, I don't intend any Lynx Compatibility, so I do apologize. However, if demand is high, I will try my best to make a lynx-compatible version by the set's official release.

3 - Call For Alarm: I made the walls solid, making it impossible to grab all chips and not disturb the teeth.

7 - HURRY UP!: I added a LOT more to the level. Of course, more time was added, but just enough to make fast movements needed.

8 - Something's Fishy: I redid the whole level.

9 - Pharaoh: Nothing changed, but I must say that the pharaoh himself put that trap there. He's not the smartest, though...

10 - Planet IKAAAE: I added a few more Walkers, hoping this makes it harder.

11 - Whenever Time: I added 1 chip per the green locks to require their usage.

12 - Just Kiddin': I actually removed the level entirely.

13 [12 in next demo] - Defense Army: I greatly reduced the time for the army of pink balls to appear, making it impossible to plant yourself near the exit to win.

14 [13] - Tetris: Again, no change, but for the record, I kind of designed the level just for rule of fun.

15 [14] - BOZDO: The idea of bozdo is a in-joke from the Fluffy Pony community (something I was in at the time). Bozdo is basically the fluffy pony equivalent of Zalgo. He came to reap the chipsters... But I dunno if the plan with gliders really worked out. Underestimation is bound when you kill fluffies, but then try humans.

When I release the second demo, I hope you can give feedback on the levels then too. Keep in mind to re-review the levels I changed
Sewiouswy, Pom-Pom, whewe is that CCLP4 I so want?

Chip Win

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Personal Level Design Question - by Syzygy - 14-Jan-2015, 12:41 PM

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