CCLP1 score reporting guidelines
Hey, everyone. In preparation for the release of CCLP1, I'd like to lay down some guidelines for those of you wishing to report scores on the new set. With a couple minor exceptions, they'll be the same as they were for CCLP3.

1) All scores must be achieved within the official CCLP1 set, no exceptions. Scores achieved by playing a CCLP1 level in its original custom set, for example, will not count.

2) For the first week after CCLP1's release, each player will be limited to one score report per ruleset per hour.

3) For the first week after CCLP1's release, each score report will be limited to ten levels per ruleset.

4) For now, all score reports must be made at the newsgroup. Score reports via CCZone, email, etc. will be accepted in the future after the initial rush dies down.

5) As always, please specify or imply MS or Lynx when reporting your scores to avoid mix-ups.

Other notes:

- The CCLP3 ban on sharing solutions until at least 3 people finished the set will not apply for CCLP1.

- Sorry for the inadequate site updates recently. Everything should finally be in order again before CCLP1's release.

- Have fun, and please remember to enjoy CCLP1 responsibly.

Messages In This Thread
CCLP1 score reporting guidelines - by James - 28-Mar-2014, 4:23 AM
CCLP1 score reporting guidelines - by Michael - 28-Mar-2014, 4:45 AM
CCLP1 score reporting guidelines - by jblewis - 28-Mar-2014, 1:56 PM
CCLP1 score reporting guidelines - by jblewis - 28-Mar-2014, 5:49 PM
CCLP1 score reporting guidelines - by jbdude55 - 30-Mar-2014, 6:09 AM

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