Winter 2015 Mini Create Challenge - Story Time
CCLP2 Level #111: Monster Factory


Chip woke up just as the song ended and looked around. It was raining. "We've stopped," Melinda told him. They got off the bus and Melinda started walking. Chip followed and said, "Where are we?" Melinda explained how she built a Monster Factory after she built the first clubhouse, but the teeth took over. She had escaped just in time, but forgot some chips inside. "We're here," she said. Chip looked up at the building. Blocks were scattered every which way. "You want me to go inside and get them?" inquired Chip. "I wouldn't burden anyone else," Melinda said. Chip smiled and examined the broken sign. The word "Monster" remained intact, but most of the letters in "Factory" had fallen off. The t and o were so close together that it instead read "lab". He recognized that name. As he tried to remember where he heard that from. Melinda told him, "I originally called this Monster Lab, but it was confusing to many club members, so I changed it." Memories of Monster Lab instantly flooded his brain. He shook away these distracting thoughts and walked inside, but not before drying his glasses.


Melinda was waiting for him at the doors. As he walked through, he showed Melinda the chips and she jumped for joy. "I knew you could do it!" she exclaimed. While they waited for the bus he collected a few blocks to remember the factory, and they and went home. After he got off the bus, he noticed it had stopped raining. He looked inside his house and it was flooded. He didn't know what to do, so he decided to go around back and let the water hydrate his garden through the back door. There were deep puddles around his house, so he took out the blocks and worked quickly.

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Winter 2015 Mini Create Challenge - Story Time - by RB3ProKeys - 18-Jan-2015, 7:27 PM

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