Chip's Challenge 2: Editor
I don't think it's an April Fool's joke, and besides, none of those two videos were OFFICIALLY released on April 1st. If both have been released on that exact date, THEN it would be an April Fool's joke.

Messages In This Thread
Chip's Challenge 2: Editor - by Moonpig - 29-Mar-2015, 4:43 PM
Chip's Challenge 2: Editor - by Flareon350 - 29-Mar-2015, 5:17 PM
Chip's Challenge 2: Editor - by quiznos00 - 29-Mar-2015, 5:18 PM
Chip's Challenge 2: Editor - by chipster1059 - 29-Mar-2015, 6:16 PM
Chip's Challenge 2: Editor - by pillowpc2001 - 29-Mar-2015, 10:13 PM
Chip's Challenge 2: Editor - by Eric119 - 29-Mar-2015, 10:20 PM
Chip's Challenge 2: Editor - by Bad Asp - 07-Apr-2015, 9:01 PM

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