Hurt & Heal - Skype People
Dave [8]
J.B. [10]
Zane [8] -2
Shane [11]
Tyler [8] +1
Michael [11]
Andrew [10]
James [11]
Josh [10]
Trevor [10]
Tom [8]

Fixed Dave's post.
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.

Messages In This Thread
Hurt & Heal - Skype People - by geodave - 15-May-2015, 1:50 PM
Hurt & Heal - Skype People - by chipster1059 - 15-May-2015, 1:58 PM
Hurt & Heal - Skype People - by quiznos00 - 15-May-2015, 2:18 PM
Hurt & Heal - Skype People - by geodave - 15-May-2015, 2:20 PM
Hurt & Heal - Skype People - by chipster1059 - 15-May-2015, 4:40 PM
Hurt & Heal - Skype People - by Michael - 15-May-2015, 5:49 PM
Hurt & Heal - Skype People - by IceyLava108 - 17-May-2015, 9:11 PM
Hurt & Heal - Skype People - by geodave - 19-May-2015, 9:55 AM
Hurt & Heal - Skype People - by quiznos00 - 19-May-2015, 2:41 PM
Hurt & Heal - Skype People - by geodave - 19-May-2015, 3:09 PM
Hurt & Heal - Skype People - by IceyLava108 - 19-May-2015, 10:56 PM
Hurt & Heal - Skype People - by random 8 - 20-May-2015, 7:11 PM
Hurt & Heal - Skype People - by quiznos00 - 20-May-2015, 7:22 PM
Hurt & Heal - Skype People - by geodave - 21-May-2015, 3:33 PM
Hurt & Heal - Skype People - by IceyLava108 - 21-May-2015, 8:16 PM
Hurt & Heal - Skype People - by James - 21-May-2015, 8:18 PM
Hurt & Heal - Skype People - by IceyLava108 - 21-May-2015, 11:51 PM
Hurt & Heal - Skype People - by quiznos00 - 21-May-2015, 11:52 PM
Hurt & Heal - Skype People - by Ihavenoname248 - 22-May-2015, 1:30 AM
Hurt & Heal - Skype People - by geodave - 22-May-2015, 4:19 PM
Hurt & Heal - Skype People - by chipster1059 - 03-Apr-2016, 3:51 PM

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