25-May-2015, 2:52 AM
The deadline for this competition has now passed. However, we only have four entrants so far and I am unable to tally the scores today, so I will extend the deadline by an extra two days. You may thus still send in yours submissions if it is the 26th of May where you live. I will then post the results 48h from posting this message. Perhaps some of you were thrown off by the 'early' deadline (or inconvenienced by the updates) so I want to still give you a chance to participate. I may deduct a second from new submissions, just to keep it fair for those who were on time, but that should not make a large difference on the results. I enjoyed working on the levels (though I am not counting my solutions for the competitions because I discussed details about the levels with others while updating them) so I am sure anyone who finds the extra time to play them will enjoy them as well!