Initial reactions to CC2
Quote:The sliding on ice sound is the same as the Super Mario World Flying sound (took me forever to realize where I'd heard it) and it is TRES ANNOYING.
The default sound effects are sampled from the 1989 Lynx version of CC1, which came out a good year beofre Super Mario World.

Messages In This Thread
Initial reactions to CC2 - by M11k4 - 30-May-2015, 9:30 AM
Initial reactions to CC2 - by FelixNemis - 30-May-2015, 1:35 PM
Initial reactions to CC2 - by tensorpudding - 30-May-2015, 3:10 PM
Initial reactions to CC2 - by quiznos00 - 30-May-2015, 3:45 PM
Initial reactions to CC2 - by Ihavenoname248 - 30-May-2015, 4:40 PM
Initial reactions to CC2 - by Flareon350 - 30-May-2015, 9:09 PM
Initial reactions to CC2 - by mobius - 31-May-2015, 3:36 PM
Initial reactions to CC2 - by Pilosus - 31-May-2015, 9:36 PM
Initial reactions to CC2 - by AdrenalinDragon - 01-Jun-2015, 11:51 AM
Initial reactions to CC2 - by mobius - 01-Jun-2015, 6:50 PM
Initial reactions to CC2 - by geodave - 02-Jun-2015, 2:32 PM
Initial reactions to CC2 - by FelixNemis - 02-Jun-2015, 2:37 PM
Initial reactions to CC2 - by geodave - 02-Jun-2015, 2:38 PM
Initial reactions to CC2 - by FelixNemis - 02-Jun-2015, 2:41 PM
Initial reactions to CC2 - by Pilosus - 02-Jun-2015, 4:33 PM
Initial reactions to CC2 - by geodave - 03-Jun-2015, 12:00 PM
Initial reactions to CC2 - by CraigV - 04-Jun-2015, 2:19 AM
Initial reactions to CC2 - by Pulluxx - 06-Jun-2015, 12:22 PM
Initial reactions to CC2 - by mobius - 06-Jun-2015, 9:49 PM
Initial reactions to CC2 - by Eric119 - 06-Jun-2015, 10:00 PM
Initial reactions to CC2 - by ManipulatorGeneral - 07-Jun-2015, 1:56 PM

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