February 2016 Create Competition - Walls of CCLP3
Sure, let's drop the 'don't release' clause for this month so people can submit those levels for CCLP4.

Josh, great to hear you plan to host the next one! A CC2 comp sounds fun! Sorry I didn't realize you might do that already this month, as I was attached to the idea of continuing this series in February like the last two years.

You even mention it in the Chip Cup 2016 thread. Totally my bad, and this comp could've waited till next month. At least this way you can submit your creations to CCLP4 Slight smile

Thanks random 8 for your work! It's nice to see the choices easily like this!

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February 2016 Create Competition - Walls of CCLP3 - by M11k4 - 04-Feb-2016, 3:07 AM

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