February 2016 Create Competition - Walls of CCLP3

I know many of you like it when the levels are released as quickly as possible, even if it means you have to wait a bit for the results. And also some of you would prefer to just see the results without waiting for me to type out some of my reasoning for them immediately. We'll do those things sometimes, but this week I felt like waiting to do it all together like I prefer. Slight smile

We had six participants this month with a total of 13 submitted levels. I enjoyed just about every level, but had a hard time picking a favorite. I settled on a method I usually don't use, so let me explain it briefly. Often I pick my favorite level from each participant and then rank those levels against each other. Now that I had trouble doing that, I looked the submissions from each designer as a whole instead. I don't think this favored anyone or gave a large disadvantage to anyone either, but it did allow me to avoid some ties. Let's take a peek at what we ended up with:

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There you have it. For a summary of the Chip Cup points
, check the Chip Cup 2016 thread. The levels are also available in the downloads. Be sure to add your own comments on everyone's levels and how you totally disagree with me. Slight smile Thanks for all the participants!


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February 2016 Create Competition - Walls of CCLP3 - by M11k4 - 12-Mar-2016, 5:16 AM

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