April 2016 Treasure Hunt
Hi guys and gals!

Apologies for the delay in these results. I try to get them out as soon as possible, but this time it really took longer than it should have. I also wanted to talk more about the design of the level and scoring, but decided to do that after these results. This did lead to not explaining the scoring quite as well as I could have done, but it was harder to express clearly than what I first thought.

Ok let's get to the good stuff! We had ten participants, giving us a record 30 submissions on a single level! To win, you had to score the highest unique score. So what scores were possible and which ones did you submit?

The highest possible score was apparently 141 treasure points. This could be scored by finding 10 chips (10 treasure points), four blue keys (20 treasure points), three red keys (24 points), three yellow keys (27 points), and four green keys (60 points). There was more than one way to do this by using the different arms of the cross. Who figured this out?

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Moving on, the next possible score was with one fewer chip at 140 treasure points. Could this produce the winner?

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Next we realize that 139 treasure points was not a possible score, but not picking up the last blue key did score 136.

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And then not picking up a chip gets you 135 treasure points...

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And with that, I move completely into hidden territory...

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I had some trepidation about how this scoring would work, and granted there was some luck involved, but I do think the right person won. I am handing out all the appropriate awards to the participants and posting a video with your solutions soon. I really do hope you enjoyed this little level and come back next time for more! (Like for the Time Trial!! You still have today to send in your solutions!)

Thanks to all of you.


Here's a run down of all the scores and calculations, hopefully it's all correct:

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Messages In This Thread
April 2016 Treasure Hunt - by M11k4 - 16-Apr-2016, 3:03 AM
April 2016 Treasure Hunt - by chipster1059 - 16-Apr-2016, 11:03 AM
April 2016 Treasure Hunt - by Flareon350 - 16-Apr-2016, 12:10 PM
April 2016 Treasure Hunt - by chipster1059 - 16-Apr-2016, 4:57 PM
April 2016 Treasure Hunt - by M11k4 - 18-Apr-2016, 8:20 AM
April 2016 Treasure Hunt - by ajmiam - 04-May-2016, 2:50 PM
April 2016 Treasure Hunt - by chipster1059 - 23-May-2016, 7:17 PM
April 2016 Treasure Hunt - by Flareon350 - 23-May-2016, 7:20 PM
April 2016 Treasure Hunt - by M11k4 - 31-May-2016, 1:00 AM
April 2016 Treasure Hunt - by M11k4 - 02-Jun-2016, 6:37 PM
April 2016 Treasure Hunt - by ajmiam - 07-Jun-2016, 10:21 AM

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