CCLP4 Submissions officially closed!
GAP_CCLP4 finally updated after procrastinating for months. I might be missing something, though.

  • Fixed compatibility problem: #3
  • Fixed busted levels: #6 #9 #10
  • Slight positioning to make the map symmetrical (gameplay unaffected): #14
  • Slight adjustment to mimic its sequel (gameplay unaffected): #1
  • Level title changed (gameplay unaffected by dosh): #5
Teeth  Teeth  Teeth  
Teeth  Chip Win  Teeth  
Teeth   Teeth  Teeth

Messages In This Thread
CCLP4 Submissions officially closed! - by M11k4 - 28-Mar-2016, 11:38 AM
CCLP4 Submissions officially closed! - by random 8 - 01-Apr-2016, 10:58 PM
CCLP4 Submissions officially closed! - by M11k4 - 18-Apr-2016, 1:10 PM
CCLP4 Submissions officially closed! - by Bacorn - 13-Jun-2016, 4:26 PM
CCLP4 Submissions officially closed! - by BlazingApollo - 15-Jun-2016, 11:02 AM

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