Tile World total times?
On the command-line, you can use tworld's or tworld2's "-t" option (e.g. tworld2 -t
setname) to display the time limit and the seconds left for each solved level in a set.

NOTE: With tworld (1.x) on Windows, the output goes to a file named stdout.txt.

Then use Calc or Excel (with Text to Columns) to subtract the two and get a total.

The "---" for untimed levels needs to be replaced with 999.

If you have "awk" installed (which it is by default on most Linux systems), then you can directly run:

tworld2 -t setname  |  awk '/^Level/ {print $0 " Spent"; TT = 0; next;} {T = $(NF-3); if (T=="---") T = 999; t = $(NF-2); printf "%s %5d\n", $0, T-t; TT += (T-t);} END {print "Total Spent: " TT;}'

- Madhav.

Messages In This Thread
Tile World total times? - by bobdabaron - 26-Feb-2017, 9:28 PM
Tile World total times? - by KeyboardWielder - 28-Feb-2017, 2:00 PM
Tile World total times? - by bobdabaron - 28-Feb-2017, 6:42 PM
Tile World total times? - by random 8 - 03-Mar-2017, 3:01 AM
Tile World total times? - by bobdabaron - 06-Mar-2017, 6:46 PM

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