December 2016 Create Competition - Movie Madness
Ready for some results? Slight smile

1. Ihavenoname248 15
pts <span style="color:rgb(0,0,205);">Flight of the Prince
2. geodave_______ 12
pts <span style="color:rgb(0,0,205);">No One Can Tell You
3. rubenspaans___ 10
pts <span style="color:rgb(0,0,205);">Aliens in a Cargo Bay

Congratulations! Thanks for the participants. This time I had to rank the levels in the order I received them because the other two came in so late it would have felt unfair to judge them all on the same line. The first level is a weird race against the clock, but it is solvable in both MS and Lynx, and the mechanism is pretty if you study it. The second level is not easy to figure out, but there is something tricky with the keys that I can't say I have seen exactly like this anywhere else. Both these levels fail a little bit for me to connect to a movie as was the task. The third level does this part a bit better, and the game play is straight-forward, but it's not much of a challenge overall. If it sounds like I'm saying none of these levels are the pinnacle of design innovation, then I should actually take the blame on myself for providing a poor theme to inspire you. Sorry for the delay in these results, and still thanks for giving me a chance to play your creations!

And here are the levels in question.

What about the Chip Cup? It was a close race between Ihavenoname248 and myself. We took turns through the year holding the lead and ended up with twice the amount of points than third place. But who came out on top after these results? After going back and checking the calculations, the winner, with 101 points, is...

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Let's make 2017 just as memorable or even more so than 2016! None of us could do it alone, so I hope to see you all still playing some CC!


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December 2016 Create Competition - Movie Madness - by M11k4 - 07-Mar-2017, 5:11 AM

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