29-May-2017, 12:40 PM
In general I think leaving it up to people what they want to use is a better course, I only have one gripe with .ccl:
I've played through Ultimate Chip 2 in Lynx (it was a CCL), now re-playing through it in MS (also a CCL). I think it's impossible to hold both sets at once in Tile World, as the TWS file extensions make no distinction of rulesets - both Lynx and MS write to UC2.ccl.tws, so if I want to view my Lynx solution, I have to go in, remove the MS tws, plop in the completed Lynx tws, go into the app, swap out the MS.ccl for the Lynx.ccl, play back my solution, then reverse it all again to get back to MS.
With .dat files on the other hand, for Chips MS you'd have CHIPS.tws, for Chips Lynx you'd have CHIPS.dac.tws, a distinction is made, so you can hold both rulesets for the same set in Tile World.
It's only come up the once so far with me, so I feel like it's so rare an issue that it's not even worth the trouble a fix would cause, just one other random thing to throw in the consideration mix.
I've played through Ultimate Chip 2 in Lynx (it was a CCL), now re-playing through it in MS (also a CCL). I think it's impossible to hold both sets at once in Tile World, as the TWS file extensions make no distinction of rulesets - both Lynx and MS write to UC2.ccl.tws, so if I want to view my Lynx solution, I have to go in, remove the MS tws, plop in the completed Lynx tws, go into the app, swap out the MS.ccl for the Lynx.ccl, play back my solution, then reverse it all again to get back to MS.
With .dat files on the other hand, for Chips MS you'd have CHIPS.tws, for Chips Lynx you'd have CHIPS.dac.tws, a distinction is made, so you can hold both rulesets for the same set in Tile World.
It's only come up the once so far with me, so I feel like it's so rare an issue that it's not even worth the trouble a fix would cause, just one other random thing to throw in the consideration mix.