Any way to make monsters skate?
Quote:On 6/24/2018 at 5:09 PM, Ihavenoname248 said:

Force floor with area button to reverse it as part of the loop.

Force floor can also be reversed with wires, which might make for a more elegant solution.

Also, what about simply deflecting the glider with a block?

Messages In This Thread
Any way to make monsters skate? - by Gavin - 24-Jun-2018, 3:31 PM
Any way to make monsters skate? - by random 8 - 25-Jun-2018, 2:27 AM
Any way to make monsters skate? - by The Architect - 25-Jun-2018, 4:39 PM
Any way to make monsters skate? - by Ihavenoname248 - 25-Jun-2018, 11:37 PM
Any way to make monsters skate? - by random 8 - 26-Jun-2018, 4:17 AM
Any way to make monsters skate? - by Gavin - 29-Jun-2018, 4:10 PM
Any way to make monsters skate? - by Gavin - 15-Jul-2018, 7:36 PM
Any way to make monsters skate? - by geodave - 04-Oct-2018, 8:22 PM
Any way to make monsters skate? - by Gavin - 12-Oct-2018, 5:54 PM

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