For #2 and #4:

In Glider Glace Race, once you've figured out the way to the exit. All you have to do is to run at the full speed, no boosting actually required in here (since I beat it in Lynx). The best way to beat this level is to avoid taking the ice boots. Instead, you loop around the ice boots using the ice path. And just slide to the exit. You can say that I put those boots as a trap. And you should play it in Lynx since it's more smoother than MS.

Puzzled Blocks, someone reported that it was beatable in 15 seconds! Well, I know it is busted. But I never thought there's another route which is far quicker than the busted route I found. By the way, thanks for the report. I just figured that I should have put another space in the last room, so that you can move the last block to above the brown button. I'll fix them later.
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oldlevels - by BlazingApollo - 14-May-2012, 11:45 PM
oldlevels - by ajmiam - 17-May-2012, 11:26 AM
oldlevels - by BlazingApollo - 17-May-2012, 8:05 PM

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