Monster House III
That's a beautiful-looking level, albeit one which bides poorly with my extreme phobia for walkers and blobs. Is either exit possible to get, though? The block at (2,6), for example, can only move left (at which point it's stuck unless you step on the recessed wall) or right (which requires stepping on the recessed wall). Once the recessed wall is up, I don't think the block can be pushed onto the water. Unless. . . oh crap, I just realized what the solution is. o_o;;;

Messages In This Thread
Monster House III - by Bowman - 17-Feb-2012, 6:11 PM
Monster House III - by mathgrant - 31-Mar-2012, 7:09 AM
Monster House III - by Bowman - 06-Apr-2012, 11:31 AM

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