(25-Oct-2020, 4:28 AM)JDGP030302 Wrote: This is the music track order for CC2LP1
Notice how the track order seemingly follows a numerical order, but it have a lot of "bumps" along the way.
To explain this order, here's more trivia. Here's the track order for the MSCC music tracks:
Quote:Track01 chips02.mp3
Track02 chips01.mp3
Track03 chips01.mp3
Track04 chips02.mp3
Track05 chips02.mp3
Track06 chips02.mp3
Track07 chips01.mp3
Track08 chips02.mp3
Track09 chips01.mp3
Track10 chips01.mp3
Track11 chips02.mp3
Track12 chips01.mp3
Track13 chips02.mp3
Track14 chips02.mp3
Track15 chips01.mp3
Track16 chips02.mp3
Track17 chips01.mp3
Track18 chips02.mp3
Track19 chips01.mp3
Track20 chips01.mp3
Track21 chips01.mp3
Track22 chips02.mp3
Track23 chips01.mp3
Track24 chips02.mp3
Track25 chips02.mp3
Track26 chips01.mp3
This order does not alternate regularly between CHIP01 and CHIP02, so the regular numerical order was adjusted slightly for CC2LP1 to make this the case. Depsite the wild ordering of the CC2 main game's music tracks, it does not alternatee regularly between CHIP01 and CHIP02
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.
Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.
Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.