February 2012 : Treasure Hunter Competition
I only counted how much stuff I'm leaving behind, so I have no clue how to compare scores, Hopefully nobody doesn't send in their solution just because they would only score 1!0 or something. Of course the flip side to revealing your score is that others will try to match and beat it, so it isn't all bad. In any case, quite a few people get points and they all add up over the months.

The level does feel a lot like a time trial challenge, but slightly different. In a way it is more unforgiving, because the goal is more open ended. If you want to keep the TT feeling different from the treasure hunt, the element that restricts your access to all the items shouldn't be time. Of course this avenue needs to be tapped as well, so I do like this month's level.

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February 2012 : Treasure Hunter Competition - by M11k4 - 12-Feb-2012, 2:11 PM

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