Untimed Levels
You make no time bonus on an untimed level, so of course it's worth less. Hit the S key in TW and you'll see.

Untimed levels are useful if it's unreasonable to finish in 999 seconds. Also, if there is excessive randomness. Or if the level is really about solving a problem, not about being quick at it.
"Bad news, bad news came to me where I sleep / Turn turn turn again" - Bob Dylan

Messages In This Thread
Untimed Levels - by AdrenalinDragon - 09-Jan-2012, 9:33 PM
Untimed Levels - by Hornlitz - 09-Jan-2012, 9:44 PM
Untimed Levels - by jblewis - 09-Jan-2012, 9:53 PM
Untimed Levels - by Hornlitz - 09-Jan-2012, 9:57 PM
Untimed Levels - by rockdet - 09-Jan-2012, 11:56 PM
Untimed Levels - by James - 10-Jan-2012, 12:07 AM
Untimed Levels - by M11k4 - 16-Feb-2012, 11:47 AM
Untimed Levels - by rockdet - 29-Feb-2012, 1:03 PM
Untimed Levels - by Flareon350 - 01-Mar-2012, 12:21 AM
Untimed Levels - by geodave - 01-Mar-2012, 8:15 PM
Untimed Levels - by BitBuster - 01-Mar-2012, 8:26 PM
Untimed Levels - by geodave - 04-Mar-2012, 9:07 PM
Untimed Levels - by Lessinath - 04-Mar-2012, 9:45 PM
Untimed Levels - by Flareon350 - 05-Mar-2012, 12:53 AM
Untimed Levels - by rockdet - 05-Mar-2012, 2:16 AM
Untimed Levels - by AdrenalinDragon - 05-Mar-2012, 6:18 AM
Untimed Levels - by rockdet - 05-Mar-2012, 3:31 PM
Untimed Levels - by Flareon350 - 05-Mar-2012, 6:17 PM
Untimed Levels - by jblewis - 15-Mar-2012, 8:23 PM
Untimed Levels - by BigOto2 - 15-Mar-2012, 8:38 PM
Untimed Levels - by jblewis - 15-Mar-2012, 8:43 PM

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