27-Mar-2012, 1:38 PM
Sounds similar to a problem I ran into with a level I'm making. It has constantly-cloned streams of bugs and paramecia that drown. Problem is, I wanted to both stop and restart the clone streams, and fix boss glitch for MS compatibility. But the streams have to face opposite directions, so the first clone made will become the boss and render the other clone machine inoperable. That means, as best as I can tell, I need to clone new bosses facing opposite directions between the operation of the alternating bug/'mecium streams in order to ensure both machines will work. Also need to guarantee the boss streams synch up when the bug streams restart. Tried that with two fireball clone streams with carefully managed monster order... unpredictable results ensued. If I stuck the fireball clone streams in the corners of the map, everything ran smoothly, but when I moved them toward the middle, all other things being the same, desynch set in.
Oh, did I mention the bug streams control the green button? Desynch means the bugs may even stop cloning entirely and the toggles don't work as intended. I've put off work on the level for a year as a result. Whole thing's a race-condition nightmare, now that I think of it.
"Clogged" looks cool, by the way.
Oh, did I mention the bug streams control the green button? Desynch means the bugs may even stop cloning entirely and the toggles don't work as intended. I've put off work on the level for a year as a result. Whole thing's a race-condition nightmare, now that I think of it.
"Clogged" looks cool, by the way.