What is your current avatar on CC Zone?
Quote:Did you make it yourself? If not, how'd you find it?
Quote:If you know it's a depiction of a photon, doesn't that mean you know what it is? Tongue

I didn't create it myself, though that's probably one style of art that I would create. I found it in an image search one or two years ago, so I can't remember exactly what I searched, but I think it was "photon", or something related. So it works to say it's a depiction of a photon (with that wave/particle characteristic), but it isn't necessarilly that. I guess I like to think of it as a photon though.

Messages In This Thread
What is your current avatar on CC Zone? - by PB_guy - 02-Apr-2012, 11:15 AM
What is your current avatar on CC Zone? - by Ida - 05-Apr-2012, 6:53 AM
What is your current avatar on CC Zone? - by Phazite - 05-Apr-2012, 10:08 PM
What is your current avatar on CC Zone? - by Markus - 08-Apr-2012, 10:17 AM
What is your current avatar on CC Zone? - by Hash1 - 07-Nov-2013, 12:32 PM
What is your current avatar on CC Zone? - by daud - 11-Nov-2013, 3:58 AM
What is your current avatar on CC Zone? - by mobius - 07-Jan-2014, 11:12 PM
What is your current avatar on CC Zone? - by PB_guy - 12-Mar-2014, 11:51 AM

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