Quote:I posted this on the Newsgroup for you... Hope you don't mind!
Don't mind at all. I would have posted to the newsgroup myself had I access to it!
Quote:Wasn't "Release Me" in your previous set?
Yeah, but the old version has a minor bust in Lynx.
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In MS, part of the puzzle is that you have you put blocks on two fire spaces to prevent the glider from suiciding while toggling a green button for you. In Lynx, the glider avoids the fire, making this part of the puzzle not even a puzzle anymore. I changed it to "use two blocks to clear away the bombs" to make it play more equivalently in MS and Lynx.
Also, the chase scene in the top part originally had Chip pushing a block onto water to clear a path for the fireball to remove a bomb. I changed this to clearing a bomb out of the way to give the player more leeway in Lynx (remember, the dirt square created from pushing the block onto water can't be stepped on for a short time in Lynx).
A lot of levels in this set will be improved versions of old levels, especially when those improvements are Lynx-compatibility!