October 2018 Create Competition - Simple as CCLP3 & NEW MINI CREATE COMP
Recently a lot of people have had their creative juices flowing and some sweet new levels have been released for both CC1 and CC2. To harness those juices, welcome to this competition!

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a simpler version of a level in CCLP3. You can make a smaller version of a level you like, you can make a shorter version of a level you hate, you can make an easier version of a level that had you stumped. CCLP3 is full of cool puzzles, but put together they can be a bit much. Take a cool concept and make and share a version that is not necessarily so involved as the original.

I know these create competition themes can be a bit hit or miss at times, so let me explain what I'm looking for here. I don't have all the time in the world to judge a large competition, but I do enjoy doing something together as a community. Keep your submissions simple or elegant, that will make it easier for me to rank all the great entries you undoubtedly will create, and that will get you a long way. Your connection to the theme can be a bit loose if you aren't greatly inspired by it, but it is provided to give you some sort of inspiration, and to give me some sort of help in compiling the ranking. Most of all I like it when we can join together to create something fun to play.

Unfortunately, I am limiting the competition to CC1 levels (just to make my task a bit easier), but if you do make a CC2 level that fits the theme, please send it in, as I would love to see it even though I currently can't promise I'll rank it with the other submissions.

The deadline for this is November 11th where you live. Send your submissions to valeosote at hotmail dot com.


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October 2018 Create Competition - Simple as CCLP3 & NEW MINI CREATE COMP - by M11k4 - 15-Oct-2018, 1:01 AM

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