February 2017 Time Trial
Here we go!


I guarantee these two levels to be really fun! Standard Trial Trial rules apply, see below.

I want to take a moment and talk about the future of these competitions. It always takes some effort to run these things, and I've been doing these for some years now. Of course I haven't done it alone, but nevertheless at the very least I've felt a personal responsibility of the bigger picture. The participation levels also fluctuate somewhat and recently we've been at a lull. However, I enjoy these and hope you do too! So what am I getting at? I've decided I have to stop organizing these competitions... at some point. And rather than have that point come up suddenly, I'm announcing it now and will run a certain number of them before I am done. How many competitions do I have left in me? 100. Yes, including this time trial, I will organize one hundred more competitions. This gives me a clear goal to work towards. I already have at least a tenth of them planned, and I think there are some fun ones ahead. How many will you be a part of? Let the countdown begin!




  1. The person with the highest combined remaining time on the two levels wins! There may be a tie in overall score.
  2. This competition is primarily meant for MS rules. You may send in a Lynx solution too, but it will be judged separately, with the quickest solution possibly being awarded 5 Chip Cup points. and it will be judged in the same category even though the route is possibly worth more in MS.
  3. Please send your solutions (either the tws file or avis) to my own email valeosote at hotmail dot com. I will strive to respond to your message by a confirmation that your score has been recorded.
  4. The levels aren't too hard to solve. Don't be afraid to send in your solutions even if you sense they aren't perfect, and simple casual solutions are also appreciated. You may enter if you solve at least one of the levels, but solving both will obviously place higher.
  5. Submission deadline is March 5th, 2017 where you live. I will judge the submissions without warning during the following days but will accept submissions until I do. If you need a more specific time, you can always ask. To avoid losing on time (it is a time trial after all), get your solutions in early rather than later! You can send in improvements while the competition is running, so there is no downside to sending in something you know might not be your best effort if you had forever to work on it.
  6. This is part of the 2017 season of the Chip Cup. Winner will be awarded 15 points, second place 12, third 10 points, and so on. If you win a competition here for the first time, you receive the "You're Winner!" award. All participants who haven't participated in a Time Trial earlier receive the "Run, Chip, Run" award.
  7. The designer of the levels and any others who have seen the levels in advance, may enter the competition. Please be fair and do not abuse this rule; it is meant to maximize the fun, not provide an advantage.
  8. The levels may receive an update within the first week of their release. This will only be done if there is some significant problem with the first versions of the levels. Please contact me if you suspect something is off.
  9. Do not post your solutions or solution times or share them with others before the competition results are announced. All times will be published at the same time, and the quickest solutions will eventually be released.
  10. As an exception to the above rule, a participant may 'freeze' their scores at some point after submitting their own solutions. They will not be able to submit any more updates after this, but they may talk about the levels and their times with other people who have frozen their entry. I may update a public list of people who have frozen their score.


Messages In This Thread
February 2017 Time Trial - by M11k4 - 07-Feb-2017, 11:47 AM
February 2017 Time Trial - by M11k4 - 16-Feb-2017, 12:27 AM
February 2017 Time Trial - by M11k4 - 06-Mar-2017, 10:45 AM
February 2017 Time Trial - by Xindictive - 12-Mar-2017, 5:58 PM

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