CCLP4 Submissions officially closed!
Thanks for the replies to my question above. Since you bothered mentioning them, let's see how those ones will do in the voting.

I would thus like to keep

(#44) 13.1 D - Safety Case
(#52) 13.3 A - Hexominos
(#53) 13.3 B - Nested Replay
(#64) 15.2 B - Pentomino Lake
in the run for the voting and the others that are marked similarly can be dropped from consideration. Slight smile

Messages In This Thread
CCLP4 Submissions officially closed! - by M11k4 - 28-Mar-2016, 11:38 AM
CCLP4 Submissions officially closed! - by random 8 - 01-Apr-2016, 10:58 PM
CCLP4 Submissions officially closed! - by M11k4 - 18-Apr-2016, 1:10 PM
CCLP4 Submissions officially closed! - by Bacorn - 13-Jun-2016, 4:26 PM

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